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How many points does the IELTS score of British universities require to sum up before they can go to their ideal university? This article is a summary of the IELTS requirements of the British University of Roast Duck, including [...]

How many points does the IELTS score of British universities require to sum up before they can go to their ideal university?

This article is about roast duck Summary of IELTS requirements of British universities The table of contents contains the basic IELTS scores of various majors in various British universities, hoping to help you find the content you need more quickly (it is more convenient to search by using Ctrl+F pages).

St. Andrews IELTS score requirements

Imperial College of Technology IELTS score requirements

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements of Durham University

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements of Lancaster University

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements of Loughborough University

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements of University College London

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements of Warwick University

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements at Leeds University

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements of London School of Economics and Political Science

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Bath University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of East Anglia University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Exeter University

Detailed explanation of the IELTS requirements of Birmingham University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Bristol University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of York University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Nottingham University

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements of Surrey University

Detailed explanation of the IELTS score requirements of Glasgow University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Sheffield University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of University of Essex

Detailed explanation of the IELTS score requirements of Dundee University

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements of Edinburgh University

Detailed explanation of the IELTS score requirements of Manchester University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Newcastle University

Detailed explanation of the IELTS score requirements of the University of Sussex

Details of IELTS requirements of King's College London

Royal Holloway IELTS score requirements

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Southampton University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Kent University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Reading University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Hubble Adams University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Leicester University

Detailed explanation of IELTS score requirements of Cardiff University

Detailed explanation of the IELTS score requirements of the Asian African School of London University

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements of Swansea University

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements of Queen's University Belfast

The Old Roast Duck IELTS Club will continue to update the list of IELTS scores required by British universities to facilitate the preparation of roast ducks for university applications. Please keep an eye on the latest developments on the Old Roast Duck official website at any time, and wish you all a smooth walk into your ideal school.

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
Fixed link of this article: |Old Roast Duck IELTS - Focus on IELTS preparation

How many IELTS scores do British universities need to collect to go to their ideal universities?: Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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