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What should I do if I'm afraid I'm wrong in the IELTS speaking test? A lot of roast ducks have a problem of their own, that is, they dare not say, afraid that they are wrong. What should we do? I really [...]

What should I do if I'm afraid I'm wrong in the IELTS speaking test?

A lot of roast ducks have a problem of their own, that is, they dare not say, afraid that they are wrong. What should we do? Do I say it or not?

In fact, this problem occurs among many examinees, especially when they are pressed by time to say something in response before their ideas are formed.

Here, I give you three suggestions, hoping to help you roast duck.

1、 Try to master some words flexibly before the exam

If you need to Spoken IELTS It is necessary to have a solid vocabulary foundation to express your ideas flexibly in the exam. So, how much is the basis of this vocabulary? Did you pass CET-4 or CET-6? Or can you master the vocabulary required by the GRE exam? In fact, there is no final conclusion. On the contrary, if you master more academic words, what you show in the IELTS oral English test is not particularly satisfactory, which is based on the life scenes of the old roast duck IELTS. This will lead to the common kind of "thinking of a certain point of view, just don't know which exact word to express". Therefore, try to remember more targeted words, such as topic words, which will be mentioned later.

2、 It's better to say than not to say

Most of the time, examinees are afraid to speak in the exam. In fact, what they are afraid of is that they say something wrong and deduct points. Is this the case? In fact, this is not exactly the case. If your answer is completely wrong, and the examiner doesn't know what you are talking about, there is really no score. However, if you are trying to express your ideas with your limited vocabulary, even in grammar, part of speech, pronunciation and fluency, your score is higher than that of you who don't speak. Just imagine, if the examiner can't hear your expression, how can I score?

3、 Conform to English expressions rather than pursuing accent

In China, we also often feel the soft power of the British and American countries, and domestic British and American dramas can be easily watched. Therefore, there is such a prejudice in our hearts that speaking English must be English or mute. However, there are many English speaking countries in the world. Their accents are not the same. English is still their mother tongue. There is no such rigid requirement in IELTS. Whether the content of the expression is logical and close to British and American culture will be a focus of investigation.


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What should I do if I'm afraid I'm wrong in the IELTS speaking test?: Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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