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Causes and solutions of bad behaviors in schools [...]

Causes and solutions of bad behavior in schools

Today we IELTS Writing This article is about the reasons and solutions of bad behaviors in schools. Some time ago, the discussion about bullying in schools was very hot. People have participated in the discussion about why such things happen, who is responsible, how to prevent them, and how to deal with them afterwards. But bad behavior in school is not only bullying, it also includes not observing classroom discipline, not respecting teachers, not getting along well with classmates, etc. Old Roast Duck has collected some reasons and solutions for these phenomena for your reference.

Causes of bad behavior in schools

Bad behavior is due to a lack of structure and discipline

Bad behavior is due to lack of system and discipline.

There are too many children in some classes

There are too many children in some classes.

Large classes are difficult to manage. This article is from Laokaoya website.

Large classes are difficult to manage.

Many disruptive students come from an unstable family background

Many disruptive students have unstable family backgrounds.

Other parents are too lenient and spoil their children

Other parents are too loose and indulgent to their children.

Some children are used to getting whatever they want

Some children are used to getting whatever they want.

Schools can do very little if they are not supported by parents

If the school cannot get the support of parents, they can do very little.

Solutions of bad behavior in schools

Schools need a clear code of conduct

Schools need clear organizational rules.

Schools need a clear set of rules about behavior

Schools need a clear set of codes of conduct.

They need to create a positive working atmosphere

They need to create a positive learning atmosphere.

Teachers must have the power to punish disruptive students

Teachers must have the right to punish disruptive students.

Schools should remove difficult children from lessons

The school should remove the students with difficulties from the class.

Schools need to work closely with parents

Schools should work closely with parents.

Discipline could be lacking at home

There may be a lack of discipline in the family.

Parents must support the school rules

Parents must support the school's rules.

They should take responsibility for their children’s behavior

They should be responsible for their children's behavior.

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Causes and solutions of bad behavior in schools: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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