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The summer vacation is coming to an end. This week, the second exam in August has ended. I don't know how the roast ducks are doing this exam. Some roast ducks report that the listening difficulty of this exam is still not low [...]

The summer vacation is coming to an end. This week, the second exam in August has ended. I don't know how the roast ducks are doing this exam. Some roast ducks reported that the listening difficulty of this exam is still not low, and it seems that they have indeed embarked on an increasingly difficult path. Old Roast Duck on August 11, 2018 IELTS Answers , for reference of roast ducks.

Answers to IELTS in Mainland China

IELTS Listening in Mainland China

Section 1: About the purchase of vehicles

1. Light

2. One replace  tyre

3. Manager

4. Automatic

5. Station

6. Only eight  years

7. Jerald

8. Thursday

9. Identification

10. supermarket

Section 2 : Multiple choice questions about the construction planning of the farm.

Section 3 : An experimental discussion on activity patterns, question type: multiple choice+matching

  1. remind
  2. walking and sitting
  3. Types of control group (for reference)
  4. doubt about conclusion
  5. cause of the development

Section 4 : Flight related

31. Marketing

32. Airlines

33. Feedback

34. Pilots

35. Exercise

36. Hands

37. Behaviors

38. Piano

39. Technology

40. Privacy


Mainland IELTS Reading

The first article: describes the invention and development of bar code

The second article: articles related to the sense of achievement of musical performance

The third article: articles on how Lu Zhao reduced pollution

Mainland IELTS Writing

Short composition: Bar chart This time, we investigate the description of bar chart

Big composition: Nowadays, a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, a large part of advertisements are aimed at children. Some people think that this has a negative impact on children, and these advertisements should be banned. Do you agree?

Answers to Asia Pacific IELTS

Asia Pacific IELTS Listening

Section 1: None

Section 2 : None

Section 3

1. Why did John think Jackson Pollock’s painting is fake: B his work is complex

2. Why initially John think 5 pounds’ painting is fake: C lack of documentation

3. Why international foundation reject: A the material applied

4. B scientists and artists can work together to evaluate the painting

5. Use D laser beam to scan and mark for 3D model of the building

6. Use F thermal-graph camera for different wall materials

7. Space for holding H glass windows

8. Use E radar dectation as to find there are two walls

9. Finding: inner wall is made of G stone

10. Use B gamma ray for wall material extra information

Section 4

11. Open more branches petrol station to increase market share in England

12. Reduce number of branches in southern Scotland

13. They close London/Oxford’s head offices

14. Fresh food

15. Over 200 staffs have to be retrained and transferred

16. Had a contracted manager to handle the discussion

17. Retail store should be flexible in profit

18. Be more open-minded about the strategies for expansion they chose

19. Seek help from the partners

20. Save cost by changing/reducing the organization in the department store

Australia (Australia+New Zealand)

Short composition: It is also a histogram, showing the population growth of four countries from 1950 to 2002, and forecasting the situation in 2020.

Some animals have come to extermination There is no reason of protecting them. Do you agree or disagree?

Some animals are on the verge of extinction. We have no reason to protect them. Do you agree or disagree with this view?

For more answers, please keep an eye on the latest updates of the old roast duck

Answers to the IELTS test on August 11, 2018 - Oral IELTS Answers: IELTS Speaking Test Bank from May to August 2018

The above is Answers to IELTS on August 11, 2018 Remember, please add the old roast duck official account for free to get more exclusive content. I wish the roast duck all the best in preparing for the exam!

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IELTS Test Answers on August 11, 2018 Mainland+Asia Pacific: There are currently 2 comments

  1. 0F

    The mainland volume of 8.11 IELTS Listening S2S3 is very urgent. Thank you

    2018-08-11 15:55 [Reply]
    • Neal

      Not yet. It should be added tomorrow

      2018-08-11 17:57 [Reply]


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