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Notes on IELTS Reading: A detailed summary of the mistakes in IELTS reading depends on everyone's English level, daily accumulation and problem solving skills. However, time does not [...]

Notes on IELTS Reading

IELTS reading Of course, your performance depends on your English level, daily accumulation and problem solving skills. However, from time to time, we also encounter situations like this. It is hard for us to understand the article, but we find that the accuracy of the topic is not high. And these mistakes are often when we see the answer, we immediately understand where we are wrong. Usually, the practice is good. If it is really an exam, we can only sigh. In order to prevent this from happening to everyone, the little editor of the old roast duck summarized the precautions for IELTS reading and reminded everyone to be careful about the mistakes in IELTS reading.

1 Types of wrong judgment questions

The judgment questions in IELTS reading can be divided into two types: one is to ask everyone to write True, False, Not Given; the other is to ask everyone to write Yes, No, Not Given. There is no difference between not given, but if you write true as yes and false as no, you will be in great trouble. There is a good chance of not scoring at all. After the exam, I felt I was sure, but I was disappointed when I got the score.

2 Ignore the prompt in the question

IELTS reading mainly examines the ability of everyone to locate the corresponding information. However, sometimes there are hints in the title to narrow down the range of articles from IELTS Roast Duck. For example, "Complete the summary of the last two paragraphs" often appears in the summary of the blank filling questions. Some examinees are so anxious when they take the exam that they immediately start looking for the first paragraph when they see the questions. As a result, they waste a lot of time, seriously affect their mood, and finally cannot complete all the questions.

The section information matching question will also be prompted in the question. We often see "NB: any letter/word can be used more than once" in this type of questions (any letter or word may be used more than once). Some examinees ignored this hint, and in the end, though they thought repeatedly, they still could not find the answer.

3. Don't pay attention to the number of words in the title

The IELTS reading blank test is basically a sub test, which is not only easy to locate, but also can find the answer according to the part of speech. However, such topics often limit the number of words, such as writing only one word or no more than two words. If you do not pay attention to this requirement, it is very likely that you will find the right place but make a mistake. It was too late to repent.

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Notes on IELTS Reading IELTS Reading Error prone points Detailed summary: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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