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Daily question: When taking the IELTS speaking test, can you chat with the IELTS speaking examiner and even ask him questions? The biggest difference between IELTS and TOEFL speaking test is [...]

Daily question: In the exam Spoken IELTS Can you chat with the IELTS speaking examiner and even ask him questions during the exam?

The biggest difference between IELTS and TOEFL oral test is that IELTS is a real person to person test. The examiner you meet is not a computer, but a real person. So, if a student asks me if I can talk to him/her, or even ask him/her questions? The answer is – no.. :o

The IELTS examiners have strict rules and can't talk with the examinees casually. This "chat" does not mean that the examiners ask you questions and then continue to ask you questions on the extension of this question, but exchange views with you. You and the examiners feel like "pulling strings". This kind of situation is often something that the examiner will not do.

For example: What's your favorite fruit? Your answer is My favorite fruit is banana... (omitted here), and what about you? :oops:

If you ask the examiner in this way, you may receive the examiner's answer in silence for a few seconds, or jump directly to the next question :grin: The examiner will not directly answer any of your questions. To some extent, you can treat him as an exam machine, but he has more humanistic care than the TOEFL iBT computer exam. If you don't understand the question, you can ask again.

Therefore, remember not to take the exam with the attitude of chatting with the examiner, but to communicate with the examiner in the form of self presentation. After all, you feel like chatting at home when you are taking the exam rather than when your relatives and friends come for the Spring Festival. It's good to refer to the image of an examinee :roll:

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Can you chat with the IELTS speaking examiner and ask him a question: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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