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From May to August 2024, the second quarter of 2024 has come. For the IELTS Speaking Test [...]

Answers to IELTS Speaking Part 2 of IELTS Speaking Question Bank from May to August 2024

The second quarter of 2024 has arrived, which is also a new quarter for the IELTS Speaking Test. We call it the "question season". That is to say, May August is the second quarter of the year for IELTS oral test. New oral test questions will appear at the beginning of May and then stabilize. After that, the content of the test will not change until the end of August.

This quarter is particularly important for the student party. Because summer vacation is in the middle of this quarter. Therefore, students need to grasp the opportunity of this quarter's examination, work hard to review, and strive to obtain the ideal IELTS score during the holiday to prepare for the college application.

According to the convention, the old Roast Duck Xiaobian made it the first time after changing the question Question bank and corresponding reference answers of IELTS Oral Part 2 from May to August 2024 For your reference.

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May August 2024 IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card

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(Continuously updating)


Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home

Describe a time when someone did quite well in a team (e.g. school work or a community)

Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot

Location class

Describe a place you would like to go to relax

Event class

Describe an occasion when you used a useful map

Describe an unusual holiday you had

Describe a time when you helped someone

Describe an interesting conversation you had with a very old person

Describe a time when you were busy

Describe an occasion when some people near you make a lot of noise

Describe an outdoor activity you did

Describe an occurrence when you heard someone making about something in a restaurant/store or other business places

Describe an occasion when you had to finish something quickly

Describe a time you ought something from a street market

Describe a time when you picked up an item that someone else lost

Describe a travel you were looking forward to but was delayed


Describe a uniform you wear (e.g. at school, at work)

Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future

Describe something you do to help you work or study

Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved

Describe a long term goal you would like to achieve

Describe a skill that you learned as a teenager

Describe a useful object in your home that you cannot live without

Describe an activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school

Describe a movie/film that you feel strongly about

Common sense:

Do you need to prepare every topic card?

Answer: Yes. All topics appearing in the season are compulsory. Although you will only be selected one of the topic cards to make a statement in the examination room, you can't know which topic card is selected. Therefore, the safest way to prepare for the exam is to prepare all required topic cards before the exam. In this way, after you go to the examination room, you will not be out of order because of the unfamiliar questions.

Students who are not familiar with the video call of the oral exam must carefully read the specific process before the exam: Detailed explanation of IELTS oral test video call oral test process

How to print the exam admission card?

This is an old question. For new examinees, we must understand it clearly. For details, please refer to: How do I print the IELTS admission card? Detailed operation steps

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From May to August 2024, IELTS Spoken English Test Bank Part 2 Answer: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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