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Answer analysis of IELTS oral part 1: Crowded Place is crowded. This topic is not [...] for all Chinese IELTS examiners

Spoken IELTS Part 1 Analysis of sample answer: Crowded Place

This topic is not new to all Chinese IELTS examiners. We can often experience the crowding situation by taking the bus during the rush hour when commuting to work or going to school, as well as going to the railway station during the Spring Festival. Other possible environments include canteen, shopping mall, concert, subway station and hospital.

Is the city where you live crowded? Is the city you live in crowded?

Yes, the city where I reside is indeed bustling and crowded. The urban landscape is marked by a constant flow of people, vehicles, and activities. This vibrant atmosphere contributes to the dynamic nature of the metropolis. While the congestion can be overwhelming at times, it also adds a sense of energy and excitement to daily life.

Yes, the city I live in is really busy and crowded. The city is full of constantly flowing people, vehicles and activities. This energetic atmosphere adds vitality to the city. Although sometimes crowded, it also adds motivation and stimulation to daily life.

Is there a crowded place near where you live? Is there any crowded place near your residential area?

Yes, there is. The metro station near my home is notably crowded, especially during peak hours. A multitude of people forms long queues, eagerly waiting to board the subway. This article is from Laokaoya website. This is quite common during the weekdays. You know, the bustling atmosphere is characteristic of urban life.

Yes, the subway station near my home is especially crowded during rush hours. Many passengers are waiting in long lines to get on the subway. The bustling atmosphere is the characteristic of urban life.

Do you like crowded places? Do you like crowded places?

Well, I generally avoid crowded places as I find them uncomfortable. The close quarters often result in a stuffy atmosphere, and the unavoidable physical contact can be unsettling. I prefer more spacious and serene environments where I can move freely.

Generally speaking, I usually avoid crowded places because I find them uncomfortable. The narrow space usually leads to a stuffy atmosphere, and the inevitable physical contact makes people feel uneasy. I prefer a more spacious and quiet environment where I can move freely.

Do most people like crowded places? Do most people like crowded places?

I believe most people don’t prefer crowded places due to inconveniences and safety risks. The discomfort of close quarters and potential hazards make such environments less appealing. Individuals often seek more spacious and controlled settings for a better and safer experience.

I think most people do not like crowded places, because it will bring inconvenience, and there are security risks. The discomfort and potential danger of narrow space make such an environment less attractive. People often seek a more spacious and controlled environment for a better and safer experience.

When was the last time you were in a crowded place? When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

The last time I found myself in a crowded place was two months ago during my journey home for the Spring Festival. The railway station was swarmed with people, creating a bustling atmosphere. Navigating through the crowds was challenging, highlighting the intensity of holiday travel.

The last time I was in a crowded place was two months ago, when I went home by train for the Spring Festival. The railway station is crowded, creating a bustling atmosphere. Traveling through crowds is challenging, highlighting the busy travel during the festival

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Answer analysis of IELTS Oral Part 1: Crowded Place: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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