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The answer to the IELTS exam on October 21, 2023 today, IELTS is killing the whole world without mercy. Listening Part 1 has a fast pace, and Part 4 is even better [...]

Answers to the IELTS test on October 21, 2023

Today, IELTS is ruthless. Listening to Part 1 has a fast rhythm, and Part 4 examines many words that are not very common at ordinary times, such as shadow, crow, shrimp, etc. Although the reading part is somewhat difficult, it is acceptable. In the writing part, the small composition is a map topic, and the big composition asks you to discuss whether scientific research should be undertaken by the government rather than private companies. According to the memory of the online examinees, the old Roast Duck Editor collated the answers of this exam for your reference.

IELTS Listening

IELTS Reading

Chapter 1: Lichen

Chapter 2: Animal camouflage

Part III: Science and Technology and the Global Economy

IELTS Writing

Short composition: map question

Compare the changes of Riverside Park in 2010 and now

Big composition: agree or not

Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Answer to the IELTS test on October 21, 2023: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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