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Old Roast Duck: Broadly Broadly, adverb, meaning broadly, generally, broadly, roughly [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken High Score Substitute Broadly

broadly Adverb means broadly

Phonetic Alphabet: English [712br ɔ ː dli]; United States [712br ɔ ː dli]

Broadly is officially classified as C1 grade , corresponding to 7 to 8 Level. You can use it to replace words such as generally in the IELTS Speaking Test to show your vocabulary to the examiner so as to get a high score in the item of legal resource.


broadly, adv. in a general way, without considering specific examples or all the details

In general, no specific examples or all details are considered

example sentence

Biology can be broadly categorized into different branches, such as genetics, ecology, and microbiology.

Biology can be roughly divided into different branches, such as genetics, ecology and microbiology.

The research findings can be broadly applied to various industries and sectors.

These research results can be widely used in various industries and fields.

He has a broadly positive outlook on the future of renewable energy.

He is optimistic about the future of renewable energy.

The conference covered a range of topics, broadly addressing issues related to climate change.

The meeting covered a series of topics, and generally covered issues related to climate change.

She is broadly knowledgeable about art history, spanning from ancient civilizations to modern movements.

From ancient civilization to modern art movement, she has a wide understanding of art history.

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Broadly: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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