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In August 2023, the timing of the IELTS test in Macao The latest report on the IELTS test for the old roast duck shows that the IELTS test schedule for the second month of the 23 year summer vacation in Macao has been arranged. On [...]

Schedule of Macao IELTS Test in August 2023

According to the latest report of the Old Roast Duck IELTS, the IELTS exam schedule for the second month of Macao's 23 year summer vacation has been arranged. In the examination program of this issue, Old Roast Duck will give you a detailed introduction about the schedule of the IELTS test in Macao in August 23 today.

Similar to the exam schedule last month, there will still be two large paper and pencil IELTS exams in August, 23. At the same time, the first exam will be arranged on Thursday, that is, within the week, and the second exam will be arranged on Saturday, that is, on the weekend. Therefore, both the office workers and the student party can find the exam opportunities on the week and the weekend.

The specific time of Hong Kong IELTS written examination in August 23 is as follows:

August 5, 2023 (Thursday), August 10, 2023 (Saturday)

Arrangement of computer test:

There is still no IELTS computer test in August

See more: Hong Kong IELTS Test Schedule

For students who need the registration service of Hong Kong IELTS, please contact Old Roast Duck Assistant No. 2 WeChat: laokaoyaielts2 (note: Hong Kong IELTS registration)

Note: The speaking questions of the Macao IELTS in August are the same as those of the mainland, and there is no change. However, students should pay attention to that August is the last month of this quarter, that is, speaking of the first exam in September, there will be new questions on the speaking of the IELTS, which is not very beneficial for everyone's test preparation, Therefore, it is suggested that students should grasp the opportunity of the IELTS test in Macao in August and try to review all kinds of required oral test questions in this quarter.

View the latest required exam: IELTS Speaking Question Bank

The above is the arrangement of the time schedule for the Hong Kong IELTS test in August 2023. Finally, you are welcome to follow the Old Roast Duck Official Account (WeChat search for "Old Roast Duck") to obtain exclusive first-hand test preparation materials and test information. I wish everyone a smooth IELTS preparation!

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
Fixed link of this article: |Old Roast Duck IELTS - Focus on IELTS preparation

Schedule of Macao IELTS test in August 2023: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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