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Old Roast Duck, IELTS writing, education, high scoring words leadership, noun, meaning leadership, leading position, leading [...]

Leaders in the leadership of the old roast duck IELTS writing education high score vocabulary

leadership , noun, meaning leadership, leading position, leadership, etc.

Phonetic Alphabet: English [ˈ li ː d ə ʃ p]; United States [ˈ li ː d ə r ʃ p]

Leadership is officially classified as C1 grade , corresponding to 7 to 8 Level. When you encounter educational problems in the IELTS writing test, you can use it to describe specific qualities. For example, team activities can not only cultivate children's spirit of cooperation, but also improve their leadership; Or leadership is very important in today's workplace.


leadership, n. the set of characteristics that make a good leader; the position or fact of being the leader; the person or people in charge of an organization.

A group of qualities to become an excellent leader; The position of leaders or the fact that they have become leaders; The person who controls an organization.

example sentence

1. Good leadership is essential for the success of any organization or team.

Good leadership is critical to the success of any organization or team.

2. The CEO’s strong leadership skills were key to the company’s growth and profitability.

The CEO's strong leadership is the key to the company's growth and profitability.

3. In times of crisis, effective leadership is crucial to maintain calm and make wise decisions.

In times of crisis, effective leadership is essential to stay calm and make wise decisions.

4. The success of any political movement or social change often depends on the leadership of key figures.

The success of any political movement or social change often depends on the leadership of key figures.

5. The company’s leadership has implemented new policies to improve employee satisfaction.

The company's leadership has implemented new policies to improve employee satisfaction.

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