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Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken Character High score Words dedicationDedication, noun, meaning dedication, dedication, perseverance, [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken Character High score Vocabulary Dedication

dedication , noun, meaning dedication, dedication, perseverance, concentration, etc

Phonetic: English [ˌ ded ɪ ˈ ke ɪ ʃ n]; Beauty [ˌ ed ɪ ˈ ke ɪ n]

Dedication is officially classified as C1 grade , corresponding to 7 to 8 Level. You can use it to describe someone's character when you meet a character question in the IELTS Speaking Test. For example, he is always engrossed in the homework assigned by his teacher and is not careless; Or the job requires employees to have a certain dedication.


dedication, n. the willingness to give a lot of time and energy to something because it is important

The willingness to devote a lot of time and energy to something important.

example sentence

1. The athlete’s dedication to training paid off when she won the gold medal.

The athlete's dedication to training paid off, and she won the gold medal.

2. The author’s dedication to her craft is evident in the quality of her writing.

The author is very dedicated to her writing, which is also reflected in the quality of her works.

3. The teacher’s dedication to her students is inspiring and has had a positive impact on their learning.

The teacher's dedication to the students was touching and had a positive impact on their learning.

4. The success of the project was due in large part to the team’s dedication and hard work.

The success of the project is largely due to the dedication and hard work of the team members.

5. Her dedication to her studies paid off when she graduated with honors.

Her devotion to her studies earned her an honorary degree upon graduation.

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Dedication dedication: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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