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Old Roast Duck, IELTS Spoken Character, high scoring word genuine Genuine, a noun, means sincere, frank, sincere [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken Character Words Genuine Sincere

genuine , noun, meaning sincere, frank, sincere

Phonetic Alphabet: English [ˈ d ʒ enju ɪ n]; Beauty [ˈ d ʒ enju ɪ n]

Genuine is officially classified as C1 grade , corresponding to 7 to 8 Level. People can use it to describe someone's character when they encounter a topic of character in the IELTS Speaking Test. For example, Xiao Ming is a very honest and trustworthy person; Or he sincerely wants to change the current environmental situation.


genuine, adj. if people or emotions are genuine, they are honest and sincere

If someone or emotion is real, it means they are honest and sincere.

example sentence

1. She is a genuine person who always speaks her mind and doesn’t try to hide her true feelings.

She is a sincere person, always outspoken and doesn't hide her true feelings.

2. His kindness and generosity are genuine , and he doesn’t expect anything in return.

His kindness and generosity are real, and he doesn't expect anything in return.

3. The genuine concern he showed for his friend’s well-being was heartwarming.

His genuine concern for his friend's health is moving.

4. She has a genuine passion for music and spends most of her free time practicing and performing.

She has a real passion for music and spends most of her spare time practicing and performing.

5. His genuine humility and down-to-earth personality made him very likable.

His real humility and down-to-earth personality make him very popular.

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Genuine sincerely: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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