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Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken Character Words genius genius, noun, meaning genius, talent, special talent Phonetic Alphabet: English [ˈ d [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken Character Words genius

genius , noun, means genius, talent, special talent

Phonetic: English [ˈ d ʒ i ː ni ə s]; Beauty [ˈ d ʒ i ː ni ə s]

Genius is officially classified as C1 grade , corresponding to 7 to 8 Level. You can use it to describe a person you particularly admire when you encounter a topic of people in the IELTS Speaking Test. For example, Xiao Ming is a math genius. I had no idea about the question, and he thought of the answer in only one minute; Or Xiao Ming let me know that genius is born, not cultivated.


genius, n. very great and rare natural ability or skill, especially in a particular area such as science or art, or a person who has this.

Excellent and rare natural ability or skill, especially in science, art and other fields; Or someone with that skill.

example sentence

1. Mozart was a musical genius who composed his first piece of music at the age of five.

Mozart was a musical genius. He wrote his first music when he was five years old.

2. Einstein’s theory of relativity is a masterpiece of scientific genius that has revolutionized our understanding of the universe.

Einstein's theory of relativity is a masterpiece of scientific genius, which has completely changed our understanding of the universe.

3. Steve Jobs was a business genius who co-founded Apple and transformed the technology industry.

Steve Jobs is a business genius who co founded Apple and changed the technology industry.

4. Shakespeare is regarded as a literary genius whose plays and sonnets continue to captivate audiences today.

Shakespeare is regarded as a literary genius. His plays and sonnets still attract audiences today.

5. Leonardo da Vinci was a true Renaissance genius who excelled in art, science, and engineering.

Leonardo da Vinci was a real Renaissance genius, who excelled in art, science and engineering.

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Genius: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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