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Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken Event high scoring words random random, adjectives, meaning random, strange, arbitrary phonetic symbols: [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken Event Words Random

random , adjective, meaning random, strange, arbitrary

Phonetic Alphabet: English [ˈ r ∨ nd ə m]; US [ˈ r ∨ nd ə m]

Common collocation: a random sample; A random selection; A random order; At random

Random is officially classified as C1 grade , corresponding to 7 to 8 Level. When you encounter event questions in the IELTS Speaking Test, you can use it to describe the background of events. For example, the teacher randomly selected people to answer questions in class, but I was unprepared; Or when we are doing the experiment, we randomly select the research objects.


random adj. happening, done, or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan

Happen, operate, or be chosen by luck rather than according to a plan.

example sentence

1. We asked a random  sample  of people what they thought.

We randomly selected some people and asked them what they thought.

2. It was a random encounter between two long-lost friends.

The two old friends, who had not been in touch for a long time, met each other by chance.

3. He was stopped at the border in a random  check.

He was stopped at the border for random inspection.

4. The questionnaires are assigned on a random  basis.

The questionnaire is distributed randomly.

5. She opened the book at  random and started reading.

She casually turned to one page and read it.

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The high score words of IELTS oral events are random: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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