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Old Roast Duck IELTS oral event high scoring vocabulary debut debut, noun, meaning debut, debut, debut, etc. Phonetic Alphabet: English [...]

The first show of the high scoring words "debut" of the old roast duck IELTS oral event category

debut , noun, meaning debut, debut, first appearance, etc.

Phonetic: English [ˈ de ɪ bju ː]; United States

Common collocation: make his debut; Debut album; International debut; The public debut.

Debut is officially classified by IELTS as C1 grade , corresponding to 7 to 8 Level. When you encounter event questions in the IELTS Speaking Test, you can use it to describe the background of events. For example, this is my first time to participate in the campus singing contest, but my performance is unexpectedly good; Or my friend and I won a lot of applause for our first performance in the street.


debut, n. the occasion when someone performs or presents something to the public for the first time

The first time someone performs or shows something to the public.

example sentence

1. Her new detective series will be her debut on the small screen.

Her latest detective play is her first appearance on a small screen.

2. Five years after her debut , the diminutive star of the Royal Ballet has the world at her feet.

Five years after the first performance, the little star of the Royal Ballet has stood on the top of the world.

3. It was a dream start for the young player who scored twice on his debut for the club.

For the young player, it was a dream start to get two points when he played for the club for the first time.

4. He will make his  debut  for the first team this week.

He will make his debut in the first team this week.

5. The singer made his  debut  as Mozart’s Don Giovanni.

The singer made his debut as Mozart's Don Giovanni.

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