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For many roast ducks who take the oral exam for the first time, they are more or less nervous. After all, we seldom have one-on-one conversation with foreigners in IELTS [...]

For many roast ducks who take the oral exam for the first time, they are more or less nervous. After all, we seldom have the chance to confront foreigners in the IELTS oral one-on-one examination room. Let's talk about it today The process of IELTS oral test. What exactly is it like?

Before the formal IELTS oral test

Take the test admission card (printed on A4 paper) and ID card downloaded from the official IELTS website to the IELTS speaking test site. Generally, the test site will be in the written test site, but there are also cases of being assigned to other campuses to take the oral test. This usually happens when the campus is small and the number of people is large. Generally, test centers such as Beijing International Studies University or Beijing Language and Culture University will not notify the transfer center before the test.

Normally, when you come to the examination center, there will be staff in special clothes (wearing something like a fireman's coat or a traffic policeman's bright vest, some with the feeling of moonlight...) at the door to guide you to make all preparations, including identity registration, portrait photography, etc. Then, you can enter a special area to sit down and wait for the exam.

The call mode is not like that of ICBC, the largest bank in the universe, "Please go to window C on A008 to handle business". Instead, every seven or eight candidates will call together to go to each oral quiz room.

When you go upstairs in a hurry (or on the same floor), you will be asked to wait for a few minutes on the small bench at the entrance of the examination room, and then listen to the examiner's instructions after the last candidate finishes the examination (unless you are the first candidate).

During the formal oral exam

The examiners you meet can be divided into white, black and Asian according to their skin color. Although the legends of Indian 5-point old lady, Asian serious elder brother and white super handsome little fresh meat spread in all examination halls, I can responsibly tell you that their scores will not be too different. So don't be overjoyed when you meet a handsome man or a beautiful woman, and you will be grieved when you meet a scrupulous examiner. We should have great confidence in the professional quality of the examiners.

The formal oral test will last about 11-14 minutes and be divided into three parts (Part One, Part Two, Part Three) 。

Part One:

They will ask you some basic questions, such as who you are, what you are called, and where you come from, which will last for about 4-5 minutes.

Part Two:

At this time, you will get a topic card, and the examiner will give you a small whiteboard and a marker. Then the examiner will give you nearly 1 minute to make some preparations. You can write and draw on it. Then the examiner said that when the preparation time is up, you need to make a 1-2 minute statement according to the instructions of the topic card. Sometimes the examiner may ask a related question and then enter into the next part.

Part Three:

At this time, the examiner will probably ask you many in-depth questions about the above answers, and you need to answer them one by one.

End of exam

After the exam, the examiner will generally send you out, and then you can leave after you get your luggage.

Some people are curious about the number written by the IELTS examiner when taking the IELTS test Is the number written by the IELTS speaking examiner a score


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What is the process of IELTS oral test? What must be read before the test: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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