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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a gift you got

 Old Roast Duck IELTS oral limit answer please contact the assistant Wechat: laokaoyaielts

Spoken IELTS Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a gift you got

Ideas : The following ideas are for reference only. I hope you can write your answers according to your real experience

This question can be considered from two aspects: first, we can think about the situation of receiving gifts, such as our birthday, the eve of primary school/middle school/college graduation, New Year's Eve, and parting with our friends. Second, we can think about specific gifts. It can be cheap greeting cards and books; It can also be relatively high-end electronic products, such as kindle, iwatch, iPhone, notebook, etc. It is best if everyone has corresponding experience; If you haven't received a gift since childhood, you can also make up a little.


Describe a gift you got

You should say

What it is

How you got it

What you did

And explain how you felt about it

Reference answer

The following is what the old roast duck editor gives according to the specific requirements of the topic original Reference answer:

please Beijing New Channel Shanghai New Channel Xiaozhan IELTS Acaso Foreign Teacher Network Baili Tianxia Studying Abroad as well as Intelligent course network Don't copy the articles of this website again.

The gift I am going to tell you about is a handmade birthday card. On the cover were two words written by mark pen, saying happy birthday. On the first page was a drawing where two boys wore Arsenal’s uniforms and played football. You can tell that the painter was not very professional, as there were many signs of fiddling. When you open it, it will play the song “happy birthday.” From today’s perspective, it was pretty crude.

I want to tell you that the gift is a handmade birthday card. On its cover, four words were written with a marker: Happy Birthday. On the first page, there is a picture of two boys playing football in Arsenal uniforms. You can see that the painter is not very professional, because there are many traces of alteration. But when you open it, it will also play Happy Birthday Song. In today's eyes, it is very rough.

I received it on my birthday in the last year of primary school from my best friend. Ever since I entered the school, he and I had been classmates. We even shared the same desk. Moreover, we were both fans of football. Every day after school, when other students had left, we still played football in the playground until it was dark.

In my last year of primary school, I received the article from the old roast duck IELTS from my best friend. Since I entered the school, we have been classmates, and we also share a desk. Besides, we all like football. Every day after school, when other students have left, we still play football on the playground until it gets dark.

Unfortunately, we were about to be separated. Our families live in the city’s different districts, and according to the policy, we would be enrolled in different secondary schools. There would be little chance for us to meet again and celebrate the birthday together in the future. So this article is from laokaoya website he made this birthday card by himself as a keepsake.

Unfortunately, we will be separated. Our family lives in different parts of the city. According to the policy, we should enter different junior high schools. In the future, we seldom have the chance to meet and celebrate our birthdays together. So he made this birthday card as a souvenir.

Though it is not very delicate, nor expensive. I still cherish it. It is now lying on the shelf of my bookcase. Every time I saw it, I would remember our friendship and miss him.

Although it is neither exquisite nor expensive. I still cherish it. It is lying on the shelf of my bookcase now. Every time I see it, I will think of our friendship and miss him.

Part 3 Additional questions

How should bosses reward employees?

What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?

Is there any change in the gifts people send in the last decades?

Why do people send gifts to others?

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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a gift you got!


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