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On December 31, 2022, the final IELTS exam in 2022, BC showed no signs of being soft hearted. Reading is just a paragraph [...]

December 31, 2022 IELTS Answers

In the final IELTS exam in 2022, BC showed no signs of being soft hearted at all. Reading was just paragraph matching, which gave many students a challenge. The small composition in the writing part is a combination of tables and pie charts, while the big composition requires everyone to explore whether a country should strive to achieve food self-sufficiency. According to the memory of the online examinees, the old Roast Duck Editor sorted out the answers of this exam for your reference.

IELTS Listening

Part 1 Hot air balloon travel consultation

Type: Fill in the blank

1-10 Fill in the blank

1. the lowest price: one hundred and twenty-five per person

2. give a certificate to adults

3. on exact day you can only book online

4. maximum height: one thousand and eight hundred meters

5. best time of the year is in autumn(s)

6. there is no flight in night

7. the flight may be cancelling due to the thunderstorm

8. take a jacket and a helmet for safety

9. there is no age restriction

10. be able to stand position throughout flight

Part 2 Tourism and Boarding Families

The answer is missing

Part 3 Psychological Experiment on Giving Flowers as Gifts

Question type: single choice+multiple choice

21. Where do Sam and Tina conduct the experiment

A. buildings in town

22. What advantage for cooperation as Sam and Tina formed a team?

C. have different ideas

23. About sending flowers, pens or candles to people entering the elevator

B. give them to specific person

24. what is the warning result of the experiment

B. gifts may be regarded as too cheap

25-26. the disadvantage of Tina’s and Sam’s experiment

D. effect on her uncle’s business

A. it is hard to observe the reaction of participants

27-28. the results of the experiment

A. women laugh more than men when receiving flowers

C. both are unhappy when receive the pens

29-30. disadvantage of the experiment

B. not much variety of background of interviewees

Part 4 Kakapo

Type: Fill in the blank

thirty-one skin

thirty-two eagle

thirty-three museums

thirty-four dogs

thirty-five portable

thirty-six forest

thirty-seven leg

thirty-eight rats

thirty-nine helicopter

forty virus

Oral part of IELTS

September to December 2022 IELTS Spoken Machine Scripts IELTS Spoken Part 1 Model

From September to December 2022, answer to IELTS Speaking Part 2

IELTS Reading

Chapter 1: Face recognition

Part II: Database

Chapter 3: A Map Maker

IELTS Writing

Short composition: table+pie chart

Big composition: agree or not

Some people suggest that a country should try to produce all the food for its population and import as little food as possible.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
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December 31, 2022 IELTS answer: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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