Cambridge IELTS 17Test3Part4 Listening Answers Analysis Bird Migration Theory Cambridge IELTS 17 Listening No.3 [...]

Cambridge IELTS 17Test3Part4 Analysis of Listening Answers Bird Migration Theory

The fourth part of the third set of IELTS 17 listening questions consists of 10 outline type blank filling questions. In addition to the difficult positioning of question 36 and spelling of question 40, the difficulty of other questions is acceptable, which belongs to the simple type in the exam. Below are the answers to each question.

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BIRD Migration Theory

BIRD Migration Theory

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 17 Test 3 Part 4

Answer to question 31: mud

Other theory for the regular appearance and appearance of birds was that they spent water hidden in mud  till the weather changed and food became abundant again.

Answer analysis: Hear another theory (or on the corresponding question stem) and realize that the answer is coming. The original preposition in appears unprecedentedly. According to the modification relationship, the answer is locked to mud.

Answer to question 32: features

Corresponding original text: He observed that in the autumn, small birds called 'redstarts' become to lose their feathers

Answer analysis: hearing that autumn realizes that the answer is coming, it is easy to lock the answer to "features" because of the unprecedented part of speech replacement of the modifier "loss" and "lose".

Answer to question 33: shape

These assessments are understandably given that this pair of specifications are similar in shape

Answer analysis: when listening to associations, they realize that the answer is coming, and the original word of the unprecedented modifier similar appears, even the sentence word order has not changed, so it is easy to lock the answer to shape.

Answer to question 34: moon

Corresponding original text: Charles Morton, in the seventeenth century. He wrote a surprisingly well-regarded paper claiming that birds migrate to the moon and back every year.

Answer analysis: Charles Morton and 17th century realized that the answer was coming. The unprecedented word fly was synonymous with migrate, and the original preposition to appeared, thus locking the answer to moon.

Answer to question 35: neck

This particular store make history because of the long speech in its neck which incredibly had not killed it

Answer analysis: Stork and spear can both remind you that the answer is coming. The unprecedented word in its appears in the original words on the recording. In addition, you can guess a body part should be filled in the blank according to the question stem in advance, so the answer is next.

Answer to question 36: evidence

This was a really defining moment in the history of anthropology this article is from laokaya website because it was the first evidence that storks spend their winters in sub-aharan Africa.

Answer analysis: This question is difficult. First, there is no keyword to remind you that the answer is coming. Second, the unprecedented word there had been no can be replaced flexibly. If you didn't notice first at that time, you had to lock a few words according to the part of speech before filtering.

Answer to question 37: destinations

Before this, very little information was available about the actual destinations of particular species

Answer analysis: little reminds you that the answer is coming. The unprecedented preposition about appears in the original word of the recording. According to the modifier relationship, determine destinations as the correct answer.

Answer to question 38: oceans

This idea game about because it seems impossible that small birds wearing only a few grams could fly over most oceans

Answer analysis: I heard that small birds realized that the answer was coming. The unprecedented adjectives huge and vast were replaced. According to the modification relationship, we determined that oceans was the correct answer.

Answer to question 39: recovery

This is still common practice today and dependencies upon what is known as ‘recovery’

Answer analysis: Although there is no clear key word to remind you that the answer is coming. However, the replacement of words in the stem is obvious. Depend on corresponds to RELY ON, and called corresponds to KNOWN, thus locking recovery as the correct answer.

Answer to question 40: atlas

Corresponding original text: In 1931, an atlas  was published showing where the most common species of European birds migrated to

Answer analysis: I heard that in 1931 I realized that the answer was coming. From the stem of the question, I can infer that the blank should be filled with nouns. Because the sentence structure is almost unchanged, it is easy to lock atlas, but it is not easy to spell it out.

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