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Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How to allocate IELTS writing time. IELTS writing includes two items: short composition and big composition. The total time is one hour. Then we should [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How to Allocate IELTS Writing Time

The IELTS writing includes two items, namely, small composition and large composition, and the total time is one hour. So how can we allocate the 60 minutes reasonably? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you.

First of all, because the small composition accounts for one third of the final score of IELTS writing, while the big composition accounts for two thirds, the IELTS official suggests that everyone allocate 20 minutes to the small composition, and leave the remaining 40 minutes to the big composition.

However, based on the practical experience of Xiaobian, we'd better limit the time for small composition to 17 minutes and the time for big composition to 43 minutes. The reasons are as follows.

On the one hand, the routine of IELTS composition is relatively fixed. If you practice enough at ordinary times, the examination room is nothing more than to recombine your accumulated phrases and sentences according to the characteristics of the chart, without using your brain too much. Therefore, the time can be further shortened on the basis of 20 minutes.

On the other hand, we can use the extra 3 minutes to carefully review the topic to make sure that we have seen each qualification clearly. Then roughly list the outline of the paragraph on the test paper or the login card, so as to ensure that there is no digression and the argument is sufficient( How to effectively use 40 minutes of time in IELTS writing )。

The above is a detailed answer about "how to allocate the writing time of IELTS", and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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