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Answer analysis of IELTS Oral Part 1: Although the topic of Technology is technology, the topic is mainly about electronic equipment [...]

Spoken IELTS Part 1 Analysis of answer to model text: Technology

Although the topic of this topic is technology, the main topic is electronic equipment. As a generation that has been exposed to computers and mobile phones since childhood, I believe that everyone has enough content to say, and I will not repeat it here.

What technology do you often use, computers or cellphones? Do you often use mobile phones or computers?

Both. I use my laptop to take notes on the classes, complete essays and reports assigned by my teachers and attend online courses. In contrast, my cellphone is mainly used for entertainment, like scrolling through social media and short video platforms and chatting with my friends.

Both. I use my laptop to take notes in class, complete the papers and reports assigned by the teacher, and take online classes. In contrast, mobile phones are mainly used for entertainment, such as social media and short video platforms, and chatting with friends.

What electronic devices have you bought lately? What electronic equipment have you bought recently?

I bought the latest generation of fitness tracker released by Huawei two months ago. It can monitor my sleep and heart rate, track the calories I have burnt, and this article is from Laokaoya website, and remind me to stretch my limbs after sitting for too long. I think it would help me develop a healthier lifestyle.

I bought the latest generation of bracelet launched by Huawei two months ago. It can detect my sleep and heart rate, track the calories consumed, and remind me to move my limbs after sitting for a long time. I think it can help me develop a healthier lifestyle.

Is there any technology you want to buy? Do you have any technical equipment you want to buy?

Yes, I want to buy the iPhone 14 pro released by Apple. It is a symbol of fashion and cutting-edge technology. Unfortunately, its price far exceeds my affordability. I have to save money for another half year to bring it home.

I want to buy Apple's iPhone 14 pro. It is a symbol of fashion and cutting-edge technology. Unfortunately, its price is far beyond my purchasing power. I have to save half a year to take it home.

What are the benefits of technology? Do you think it is important in your life? What are the benefits of technology? Do you think it is important to life?

Yes, I think so. Technology has benefited my life in various ways. The laptop has substantially boosted my efficiency. The cellphone has facilitated my communication with my friends and families and enriched my entertainment. And all the white appliances, like the washing machines, robot vacuums, microwave ovens, and air conditioners, have made my life more comfortable.

Yes, I think so. Technology has benefited my life in many ways. The computer has greatly improved my efficiency. Mobile phones have facilitated my contact with friends and family, and enriched my entertainment life. All white goods, such as washing machines, sweeping robots, microwave ovens and air conditioners, have made my life more comfortable.

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Answer analysis of IELTS Oral Part 1: Technology: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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