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The theme of the reading article of TestB Section1 in Category 5G of Cambridge IELTS is TV program introduction. The specific content includes seven programs, including Wild Rose, Animal Planet, Adventures, the longest walk, Breaking Buses 5, New Science, and Travel. Below are the answers to each question.

Cambridge IELTS 5 Class G TestB Section 1 Reading Answers Analysis

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Answer to question 8: D

Corresponding to the original text: Part D: Tonight she drinks coffee in a tent and tells her story to Janet Street Porter

Answer analysis: It is mentioned in the original that Fyona Compbell will drink coffee in the tent tonight and tell Janet Street Porter her story, that is, in the form of personal interview, so D is the correct answer.

Answer to question 9: F

Corresponding to the original text: Part F: who introduces five reports, which include computer-driven cars and in-flight ten-pin blowing.

Answer analysis: This program will introduce five reports, including computer driven cars and bowling in flight, which are related to scientific development, so F is the correct answer.

Answer to question 10: CE

Corresponding to the original text: Part C: the residential powers of the house and how previous owners have been able to travel back through the themes to meet their ancestors

Part E: a strong, believable cast of characters who travel to the twenty-third century.

Answer analysis: Part C mentioned that this house has a mysterious power, and the previous old owner of the Roast Duck IELTS can travel back to see his ancestors. Part E mentions that the characters will go back to the 23rd century. It can be seen that these two programs are both related to time travel, which is the correct answer.

Answer to question 11: G

Corresponding to the original text: Part G: Based on his own novel, the progress of his journey on the railways of Europe and Asia

Answer analysis: It is mentioned in the original text that the program in Part G is adapted from Paul Theroux's own novel, and the corresponding question stem is taken from a book, so it is judged as the correct answer.

Answer to question 12: E

This is a TV film being used to launch a new science film series

Answer analysis: Part E mentioned that this is a film aimed at launching a new science fiction series, that is, the film is an introduction to a series of programs, so it is the correct answer.

Answer to question 13: DG

Part D: All she has to do now is walk the length of France and Britain and she has succeeded in walking around the world

Part G: Paul Theroux's account of his recent journal from London to Japan and back

Answer analysis: Part D mentioned that Fyona Campbel successfully completed a global travel only by passing through France and Britain. In part G, Paul Theroux will talk about his experience of going to Japan and returning from London recently. Both programs are about contemporary travelers, which is the correct answer.

Answer to question 14: A

Corresponding original text: Part A: This TV drama is about a young private detective employed by a team of New York businessmen, this article is from laokaoya website, who send her to Brazil to look into a series of hotel robberies.

Answer: As mentioned in the original, this TV series tells the story of a young female private detective employed by a New York businessman team who was sent to Brazil to investigate a series of hotel robberies. Corresponding to the crime investigation in the topic, it is determined that A is the correct answer.

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