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Cambridge IELTS 5 Class G TestA Section1 Reading Answer Analysis New Book Releases

The second article in TestA Section1 of the 5G part of Cambridge IELTS is an introduction to the new book, including the content, characteristics, and users of the book. Although the title is matching, it is not difficult because the article is very short. Below are the answers to each question.

Cambridge IELTS 5 Class G TestA Section1 Reading Answers Analysis

Original analysis of old roast duck IELTS, please do not copy

Answer to question 8: x

Paragraph A: This book describes the creativity of Indigenous people living in the driest parts of Australia Stunning reproductions of paintings, beautiful photography and informative text.

Answer analysis: It is easy to mistakenly choose "iii" for "aboriginal people", but the original text mainly refers to aboriginal art activities, not food. In the x option, Art corresponds to painting, photography and text, while Desert corresponds to driest parts, which is the correct answer.

Answer to question 9: i

Corresponding original text: Segment B: Pocket sized maps and illustrations with detailed information on the nesting sites and migration patterns of Australia

Answer analysis: first, lock i, iii, v and x according to Australia. Although the original text does not directly mention the name of any bird, according to nesting sites and migration patterns, only the i option is related to this.

Answer to question 10: v

Corresponding original text: Segment C: Packed full of information for the avid hiker, this book is a must.

Answer analysis: This question is relatively simple. It is easy to lock v as the correct answer according to either Hiker or foot below.

Answer to question 11: ii

Corresponding original text: Section E: Australia's premier mountain biking guidebook

Answer analysis: this book is mainly about mountain bikes. Looking at all the options in the article of IELTS Roast Duck, only the two wheels in ii can correspond to bicycles, which is the correct answer.

Answer to question 12: ix

Corresponding to the original text: Section F: Here's the A-Z of Australian native animals – take an in-depth look at their lives and, this article is from Laokaoya website characteristics, through fantastic photographs and informative text.

Answer analysis: This book comprehensively introduces Australia's native animals through pictures and words, including their lives and personalities. In the ix option, Australian wildlife corresponds to native animals, while Encyclopaedia means encyclopedia, which corresponds to A-Z, so it is the correct answer.

Answer to question 13: iv

Corresponding to original text: Section G: Graphic artists have worked with researchers and scientists to illustrate how these prehistoric animals live and died on the Australian contractor

Answer analysis: This question is somewhat similar to question 9. The original text only said prehistoric animals, and did not specify which animal it was. We can only look for it in the options. It is found that only iv dinosaur meets this condition, so it is the correct answer.

Answer to question 14: viii

Corresponding to the original text: Section H: A definition handbook on exterior safety – with a specific focus on equipment, nutrition, first aid, special clothing and bush skills

Answer analysis: This book is mainly about outdoor safety, including equipment, nutrition, first aid, clothing and shrub skills. The only option that can correspond to this is viii survival techniques in the wild, from which it is determined to be the correct answer.

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