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Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Can I read the composition of IELTS computer test? Not enough time for IELTS reading is a headache for many students. Paper [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Can I read the composition of IELTS computer test?

Not enough time for IELTS reading is a headache for many students. In the paper and pencil exam, after writing began, the answer cards and test papers read had been collected, and it was impossible to give everyone a chance. What about the computer test? Can I read when I write my composition?

Answer: No. In the IELTS computer test, before each test starts, the invigilator will give you an A4 paper with the test number and password. As long as you input it into the computer test system and press the Enter key, the test will automatically start timing. Once 60 minutes are used up, the examination system will automatically shut down. You can't write any more words. From this point of view, there is a slight difference between the start and end time of each student's examination.

Therefore, there is no chance to show you how to read during the computer test writing. Instead of expecting a loophole in the exam process, the old duck editor advised everyone to use their kung fu in ordinary times. Do extensive reading or intensive reading and study more when you have nothing to do Skills of writing questions in IELTS reading So as to shorten the time for reading.

The above is a detailed answer to the question "Can I read the IELTS computer test composition?" I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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Can I read the composition of the IELTS computer test?: There are currently 2 comments

  1. 0F

    Excuse me, can I allocate time for reading? For example, the first article will take 17 minutes to finish, and then the last article will take 23 minutes?, thank you

    2023-03-29 00:17 [Reply]
    • Braised Duck

      Yes, this hour is allocated freely

      2023-03-29 09:36 [Reply]


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