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IELTS Spoken Part 2 Topic Card: Describe something that summarized you

Spoken IELTS Part2 Topic Card: Describe something that surprised you

Ideas: The following ideas are for reference only. I hope you can write your answers based on your own experience

According to the official Cambridge dictionary, the word "surprise" means the feeding caused by something unexpected, that is, anything unexpected can be used as a description object. Specifically, we can talk about winning an unexpected prize in a competition; You can also talk about a fact or custom that you didn't know before, such as the number of poor people in the world, the celestial burial and living Buddha in Tibet; You can also talk about some things your friends do, such as the birthday party held quietly.


Describe something that surprised you

You should say

What it is

How you found out about it

What you did

And explain whether it made you happy

Reference answer

Here are the original reference answers for the old roast duck editor according to the specific topic requirements:

please Beijing New Channel Shanghai New Channel Shenyang New Channel Xiaozhan IELTS Acaso Foreign Teacher Network Baili Tianxia Studying Abroad as well as Intelligent course network Don't copy the articles of this website again.

The unexpected experience I am going to tell you about is that I achieved the meritorious winner, the third level of the award, in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling. It is an annually-held competition that originated in the United States, now attracting thousands of international teams of three undergraduates or postgraduates to participate. Candidates have to analyze the given question, establish a model for it and then write a formal academic paper within 96 hours.

I want to tell you the unexpected experience is that I won the excellent award, that is, the third level award, in the mathematical modeling contest. It is an annual contest originated in the United States and now attracts thousands of teams composed of three undergraduate or graduate students. Participants must analyze the given topic, model it, and write a formal academic paper within 96 hours.

It was the 15 th of June in 2019, 4 months after we submitted our paper. According to the announcement on the official website of this contest, the organizer would release the list of winners on its homepage and send emails to every participant at 9 o’clock. I turned on the notification of my email box in case I missed any letter and had been refreshing the page from 8.45. When I was anxiously waiting for the loading, I received an email that started with congratulations.

It was June 15, 2019, four months after we submitted our paper. According to the announcement on the official website of the competition, the organizer will publish the list of winners on the home page at 9 o'clock and send an email to each participant. I open the reminder in my inbox in case I miss any mail, and I have been refreshing the page since 8.45. While I was anxiously waiting for it to load, I received an email starting with "Congratulations".

To be honest, although I devoted enormous effort to the competition, I had never expected I would win an award. After all, as a student majoring in social science, my specialty lay in analysis and essay writing rather than mathematics. This article is from Laokaoya website. I just could not help yelling out and swinging my arm in the air the moment I read the email. I jumped off my bed and went to celebrate this piece of good news with my teammates.

To be honest, although I put a lot of energy into this competition, I never expected to win the prize. After all, as a student majoring in social science, my specialty is analysis and thesis writing, not mathematics. The moment I saw the mail, I couldn't help shouting and waving my arms in the air. I jumped out of bed and ran to celebrate the good news with my team members.

I was so excited, not only because it proved that we were better than most other teams around the world, but also because it would be a highlight on my resume, gaining me a sharp edge in the competitive labor market and helping me find a decent job.

I am excited, not only because it proves that we are better than most teams in the world, but also because it will become a highlight on my resume, which will give me an advantage in the competitive labor market and help me find a decent job.

Part 3 Additional questions

How do people express happiness in your culture?

Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?

How can people be happy?

Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?

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Topic Card of IELTS Oral Part 2: Describe something that surprised you!


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