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Requirements and Introduction of IELTS Score of Reykjavik University Reykjav í k University in English and H [...] in Icelandic

IELTS Score Requirements and Introduction of Reykjavik University

The English name of Reykjav í k University in Reykjavik University is H á sk ó linn í Reykjav í k in Icelandic. It is a private institution of higher learning in Iceland and the largest private university in Iceland. Reykjavik University was founded in 1998. At present, it has about 3000 students and more than 100 teaching staff.

It is worth mentioning that Reykjavik University Top 100 list of Thames Young University in the world in 2021 It ranks 54th in the world.

Reykjavik University has adopted bilingual teaching (English+Icelandic) since 2010. At present, the university has two colleges and seven major departments, namely:

School of Social Sciences

Department of Business Administration
Department of Law
Department of Sport Science
Department of Psychology

School of Technology

Department of Computer Science
Department of Engineering
Department of Applied Engineering

What is the IELTS score required by Reykjavik University?

The enrollment department of Reykjav í k University requires international students who are not native speakers of English to submit a total IELTS score of no less than 6.0 when applying for the degree program of the university- What is the IELTS 6 score ?

 Campus Landscape of Reykjavik University

See more universities: IELTS score requirements

The above is an introduction to the IELTS score requirements of Reykjav í k University in Iceland, hoping to play a reference role for students who intend to apply for Reykjav í k University. For more information about IELTS exam preparation guidance, exam answers, etc., please visit the listening, speaking, reading and writing section of the official website of Old Roast Duck at any time for in-depth self-help learning. You are also welcome to follow the WeChat official account of Old Roast Duck (WeChat search laokaoya) for first-hand data and information. Finally, I wish you all a smooth preparation for the exam, and get the ideal IELTS scores and offers as soon as possible!

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