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Today, let's introduce the IELTS test center of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, which is located in Kunming, Yunnan Province. Yuncai is also the only IELTS test center in Yunnan Province

Today, let's introduce IELTS Test Center of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics , which is located in Kunming, Yunnan Province. Yuncai is also the only IELTS test center in Yunnan Province, so it is a good choice for roast ducks who live in Yunnan to take the test here. So, today, Old Roast Duck will make a specific introduction to this IELTS test site in Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, hoping to provide some reference help to more students who plan to take the IELTS test here.

The specific geographical location of the IELTS test site of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics is as follows:

Examination site code: 42

Name of examination site: Yunnan University of Finance and Economics


Address: No. 237, Longquan Road, Kunming, Yunnan Province (South Institute of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics)

Written examination room: Yifu Building

Oral examination room: East Annex of Yiyuan Building, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics

Examination query: Schedule of IELTS Test in Yunnan Province

Post code: 650221

Tel: 0871-65156026

Transportation: Take No. 9, 74, 84, 92, 114, 115, 168, 175 buses

The following is the specific orientation of the IELTS test site of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics on the map for your reference:

 Map of IELTS test site of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics

The following is how the roast ducks feel about the IELTS speaking examiners when they take the IELTS speaking test at the IELTS test center of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics:

  • Male examiner, British accent. I want to complain about the examiner. The examiner said "good morning" when he came in at noon. He dozed off seriously all the time, which made me not in the mood to take the exam.
  • Female examiner, fast speaking, British accent, serious attitude, no guidance, little interruption. The examiner is serious all the time, with little eye contact. When she fails to hear the questions clearly or answers poorly in the exam, she will obviously feel a little impatient.
  • The examiner asked the question with repeated answers several times... He seemed absent-minded, but it seemed that the examiner had caught a cold and didn't feel well on the test. He didn't realize that the question was repeated.
  • Female examiner, speaking at normal speed. Topic card is describe a memorable story , like to cling to my pronunciation and still make eye contact with me??? I kept watching her talk, and she kept her head down... When she handed over the tablet, she did not speak, but kept telling me with her hand gestures to clean the tablet... I forgot to put the pen cover on, and she kept telling me to put the pen cover on again with her hands... Drunken, the oral test is like a sign language test.
  • Male examiner, British accent. The examiner's voice is really low. I can't hear the problem clearly. Everything ahead is very good. Part 3 is too complicated, and he has wound himself in. I hope the examiner can smile at him a little in the whole process.
  • A male examiner with an American accent speaks fast. He asked a series of questions comparing winter and summer, followed by why, with guidance (he seemed sleepy, only opened his eyes, could smile, but was tired of laughing)
  • After seeing the overall feelings of all the roast ducks, the old duck editor found that a few students might encounter sleepy examiners at the Yuncai examination site, which might be affected by the weather. You roast ducks need not worry about this. The examiners will not deliberately score the examinees because of their mental state.
  • View the latest season: IELTS Speaking Question Bank

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How about the IELTS test center of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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