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Topic a today you want to go on in the f [...]

Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future

Ideas (Chinese ideas are only for reference), express P2 views according to effective ideas and integration of personal experience.

The difficulty of this question is moderate, and there are many things to say, such as going to an island or something. Of course, you can say that you saw it on TV, or you can say that you have been there and want to go there again.

You should say:

Where you want to go

A holiday I want to have is a holiday to go to Phuket, Thailand

When you would like to go

The time I want to go most is from Christmas to New Year's Day, because it is basically a cold winter in China. In Thailand, it is still warm and sunny in summer.

What you can do for the holiday

I remember the last time we went there, we played a lot of fun. For example, there are many water projects over there, such as banana boats. Besides, there are many delicious food there. My latest ones are mango pineapple rice and curry crab. :idea:

And explain why you want to have this holiday

I most want to have this holiday because I have been working in Beijing for more than 10 consecutive months, and I haven't gone out to relax for almost half a year. This holiday will definitely help me relieve the pressure of work/study.

Of course, I can talk about traveling to Thailand, and I can also talk about self driving travel, which is just combined with another IELTS oral topic card Describe a car journey you went on (Click to view), prepare together and kill two birds with one stone.

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Talk a holiday you want to go on in the future!


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