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The English name of Karolinska College is Karolinska Institute, and the Swedish name is [...]

IELTS Score Requirements and Introduction of Karolinska College

Karolinska College is called Karolinska Institute in English and Karolinska Institutet in Swedish, or KI for short. It is a public medical university located in Sweden and the largest single medical college in the world. KI was founded in 1817 and now has 6000 students and 5000 teaching staff. More than a decade ago, the school's endowment fund has reached more than 570 billion euros.

It is worth mentioning that the university has a committee which is specially responsible for awarding the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. J ö ns Jakob Berzelius, one of the fathers of modern chemistry (who discovered chemical elements such as silicon, selenium, thorium and cerium), was once a professor of the university. The school 2019QS World University Ranking Medical Major Ranking It ranks sixth in the world.

The university currently has two campuses, one college and one medical center, which are:

Solna Campus

Cell and molecular biology.
Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics.
School of Environmental Medicine.
Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics.
Medical biochemistry and biophysics.
Medical epidemiology
Center for Microbiology and Tumor Biology.
Physiology and pharmacology.

Caroline University Hospital and Dandrude Hospital - North Carolina College

Clinical neuroscience.
Dande Hospital.
Molecular medicine.
Tumor pathology.
Public health science.
Surgical science.
Women and young children's health.

Huddinge Campus and S ö der Hospital

Surgical Science Center.
Clinical Research Center.
Clinical science.
Medical laboratory science and technology.
Medical Nutrition.
Medical Science.
Microbiology, pathology and immunology.
Neurotechnology (NEUROTEC).
Thurd Hospital.

"Liu Mingwei Regenerative Medicine Center" of Caroline Medical College

How many points are required for the IELTS score of Karolinska College?

The school authorities of Karolinska Institute require international students who are not native speakers of English to submit a total score of not less than 6.5 in IELTS when applying to the school. At the same time, the four individual scores of listening, speaking, reading and writing should not be less than 6- What is IELTS 6.5

The following is the exchange of KI among students for your reference:

The school's medical school majors are: surgery and clinical surgery; Experimental surgery; Anatomy; Social medicine; Immunomedicine; Physiology; pediatrics; internal medicine; Department of ophthalmology, otolaryngology and rhinology; Pathology; Psychiatry; Neuropsychology; Radiation medicine; Pharmacology; biochemistry; Anesthesiology; Medical physics and chemistry; Histology; Molecular biology; Public health and health; Microbiology; Enzyme chemistry; Heredity and gene, etc.

Dental College offers: oral pathology; Dental radiology; Oral microbiology; Orthodontic dentistry; Dental repair; Oral surgery.

The school is relatively small, but its strength cannot be ignored. In addition, postdoctoral posts in epidemiology also recruit students (you can apply for full prize).

 Campus Scenery of Karolinska College

See more universities: IELTS score requirements

The above is an introduction to the IELTS score requirements of Karolinska College in Sweden, hoping to play a reference role for students who intend to apply for Karolinska Institute. For more information about IELTS exam preparation guidance, exam answers, etc., please visit the listening, speaking, reading and writing section of the official website of Old Roast Duck at any time for in-depth self-help learning. You are also welcome to follow the WeChat official account of Old Roast Duck (WeChat search laokaoya) for first-hand data and information. Finally, I wish you all a smooth preparation for the exam, and get the ideal IELTS scores and offers as soon as possible!

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