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Some roast ducks are very curious. How many points can you get if you can't answer the IELTS oral topic card in the exam room? This problem happened to a student Z with me [...]

You are curious about roast duck and said to join the examination room Spoken IELTS How many points can you get if you can't answer the topic card? This problem happened to one of my students, classmate Z, who told me that he was weak in English at that time and did not prepare topic cards. When I saw the examiner, I was very nervous. The examiner asked Do you have electronic devices like phone or watch on you? At that time, he nervously reported his mobile phone number.. :arrow: As a result, the examiner pushed him into the examination room and asked how can I call you? As a result, he reported a series of phone numbers and said that the facial expression of the examiner would be bad in an instant :cry: But I still don't know what mistakes I made :!:

In the topic card part, I picked a topic card that he really couldn't say, said Sorry, and then hesitated. I didn't know how to signal the examiner to let me go. The examiner was very impatient and stared at him with a strange look. Z children's shoes are not happy. They feel that they have been discriminated against. I wonder why you look at me so badly? So classmate Z also had to watch him, and the two faced each other for a minute :o , the examiner just let him enter P3.

Fortunately, classmate Z recalled that the answers to P1P3 were very active and many, and finally gave 4.5 (In fact, if you can't answer P1P3, the overall score will not be higher than 3 points, except for student Z)

The main purpose of telling this examination story is to encourage the roast duck with weak foundation. The P2 topic card is not all. Try to express it. If the performance is not ideal, P3 also has the opportunity to remedy. In addition, I also hope that the capable roast ducks, Spare no effort, plz., For example, the Z children's shoes, in fact, should be able to exert their strength to 5, but because they were too frank, they gave up the answer to the topic card directly, which was a pity.

Therefore, you should prepare well before the test, and read more oral preparation materials carefully.

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How many points can you get if you don't speak on the Part Two IELTS Speaking Topic Card in the exam room: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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