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On June 7, 2018, the answer to the IELTS exam was exclusive to the mainland and the Asia Pacific region. Today is the first IELTS exam in June, and the first day of the college entrance exam. [...]

June 7, 2018 IELTS Answers Exclusive Analysis of Old Roast Duck in Mainland China+Asia Pacific Region

Today is the first IELTS exam in June, and also the first day of the college entrance exam. It's a bit hot. I wonder whether you roast ducks have played your ideal level. According to the memories of the roast ducks, the old duck editor summarized the answers to this exam, hoping to help everyone.

Mainland listening

Sections 1-4 are new questions related to sports, tourism and art (no memory)

Section 4

31. escape Local people are afraid of this genetically modified rain escape

32. Tuna needs to raise fish with certain characteristics

33. safeguard

34. storm

35. strongThe facility first said the equipment that is easy to find, and then said should be like to be strong

36. coast

37. young

38. cosmetics

39. hospitality

40. governments should have local fishing business by encouraging agriculture, recreation and shipping

Mainland Reading

Section 1 Gross profit fishhook

Section 2 Western Immigration of Canada

Section 3 Behavioral Psychology

Mainland writing

Composition: Table analysis of domestic water, agricultural water and industrial water in New Zealand, Egypt, South Arabia and Canada

Big composition: Many young people in the workforce today change their jobs or careers every week What do you think are the reasons for this? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Recall of Asia Pacific Listening Answers on June 7

Section 1 Scotland travel house

1. Tel: 0789467890

2. Date: June

3. Place: not far away from: mountain

4. washing machine

5. 5 children

6. minibus

7. Gear type: manual

8. bike rack

9. Avoch

10. Queen

Section 3 Volcano related

21. E need more details

22. B repeat other people’s studies

23. D need first hand

24. C inaccurate

25. F no need to talk

26. B he does not understand the main reason

27. C via Internet video film programs

28. A help distinguish between scientific and popular term

29. C not developed personal own point

30. C it is not recognized


Section 4 African fruits

31. nutrition

32. accident

33. green

34. reproduction

35. No memory

36. sweet

37. oil

38. nuts

39. testing

40. profit

Asia Pacific Writing

Short composition: pie chart

Big composition: Nowadays, International tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

Asia Pacific Reading

Section 1 Andrew Carnegie: an industrialist

Section 2 adventures in comic land

Section 3 putting the brakes on climate change

Answers to the IELTS test on June 7, 2018 - Oral IELTS Answers: IELTS Speaking Test Bank from May to August 2018

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
Fixed link of this article: |Old Roast Duck IELTS - Focus on IELTS preparation

On June 7, 2018, the answer to the IELTS exam was exclusive to the old roast duck in the mainland+Asia Pacific region: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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