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Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is IELTS Listening harder than Level 6? Many students begin to prepare for the IELTS test after completing CET-6, and they are inevitably curious about these two [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is IELTS Listening harder than Level 6?

Many students began to prepare for the IELTS test after the CET-6 exam, and they were inevitably curious about the difficulty of these two tests. Especially in listening. Will IELTS listening be harder than CET-6 listening( Official version of IELTS and CET-6 score comparison table )?

A: Although the way and focus of the two surveys are different, in general, IELTS listening is more difficult. The main reasons are as follows.

First, the speaking speed of IELTS listening will be faster than that of CET-6. If the listening speed of CET-6 is 1 times, then the listening speed of IELTS is about 1.3 times. Moreover, a specific part of the exam may also reach 1.5-1.7 times the speed. Don't underestimate the difference in speaking speed. Even if it is a little faster, it may cause the situation of late response, let alone such a huge difference.

Second, there is no pause in the audio of each part of IELTS listening. There will be a natural connection between topics through dialogue or monologue. Therefore, it is more likely to fail to keep up with one sentence than CET-6.

Thirdly, the topic setting of IELTS listening is more flexible. College English Band 6 is just a simple test to see if you can understand words and sentences; In contrast, IELTS listening will set various interference items to further investigate whether you can recognize the speaker's real intention, and you will be caught in a circle if you are not careful.

The above is a detailed answer to "Is IELTS listening harder than CET-6?" I hope it will be helpful to you. For more information about the IELTS test preparation content and guidance, please visit the various columns of the Old Roast Duck official website at any time for in-depth independent learning and follow the Old Roast Duck official account to obtain the latest test information and test dynamics.

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