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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is IELTS og hard to hear? Many students will turn to OG after finishing the listening questions on Cambridge IELTS, that is, Cambridge IELTS [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is IELTS og hard to hear?

Many students will turn to OG after finishing the listening questions on Cambridge IELTS, that is Cambridge IELTS Official Guide Of course, some students did OG first and then Cambridge IELTS. Is it difficult to hear on IELTS OG?

Answer: It is not easy to summarize. There are both simple and difficult points.

First of all, in the official guide of Cambridge IELTS, the speaking speed of listening audio is much slower than the real exam, which is about 0.75 times faster, and the pronunciation is very clear, without obvious local accent. So from the perspective of audio alone, OG listening is easier than the exam or Cambridge IELTS.

However, the format of the listening test in the official Cambridge IELTS guide is more complicated than the real test. In the real test, most of the IELTS listening test questions can be solved through stress and prompt words before and after the blank, but these skills on OG do not have much effect. Secondly, in the real test, most of the interference items in the IELTS listening multiple-choice questions examine the details, and do not require everyone to understand the original text. On the OG, there are many questions that examine the whole content.

Therefore, in general, the listening questions on Cambridge IELTS OG focus more on the basis of listening, and are not suitable for pre exam practice.

The above is a detailed answer to "Is IELTS og hard to hear?" I hope it will be helpful to you.

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