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How to make a wise choice Cambridge IELTS 16 Test 2 Passage 3

How to Make a Wise Choice

The theme of the third article of the second set of topics in IELTS 16 is how to make a wise choice. The author first points out that smart performance is affected by the environment, then analyzes the four key elements of smart thinking, and emphasizes the benefits of using a third-party perspective to analyze problems. According to the convention, we summarize the vocabulary of IELTS reading test.

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How to make wise decisions

How to make wise decisions

IELTS Reading Test Vocabulary

assumption n. Assumptions, design

Example: It was impossible to make assumptions It is impossible to assume people's reactions.

underestimate v. Underestimation

Example: We underestimated The time it would take to get there.

circumstance n. Occasion

Example: Under no circumstances Should you lend Paul any money.

humility n. Humility

He first defeat was an early reason in humility Her first failure taught her humility very early.

perspective n. Angle

Try to see the issue from a different perspective Try to look at it from a different perspective.

impartiality n. Impartiality

example sentence: Impartiality Is essential to a judge.

prospect n. Prospect

There is no immediate prospect There is no possibility of peace in the short term.

revered Adj. Respected

Example: The faithful revered He then as a prophet.

empirical Adj. empirical

There is no empirical Evidence to support his theses.

trait n. Features

Example: Creativity is a human trait Creativity is a human characteristic.

context n. Context

This speech needs to be set in the context Of Britain in the 1960s.

cognitive Adj. Cognitive

As children grow older, their cognitive Processes become sharper. As children grow older, their cognitive processes become more acute.

insight n. Insight

Example: With a flash of insight I realized what the dream meant.

enhance v. Improve

This is an opportunity to enhance This is an opportunity to improve the reputation of the company.

unfold v. Unfold

The audience watched as the story unfolded Before their eyes.

framework n. Frame

Example: The report provides a framework The report provides principles for further research.

recession n. Decline

Example: The economy is in deep recession The economy is in a serious recession.

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How to make a wise choice: wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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