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IELTS Test Preparation Listening Comprehension Sword 11 test 2 section 2 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary Today we will study the IELTS Test Preparation Listening Comprehension article [...]

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Chapter Sword 11 test 2 section 2 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

Today we IELTS Preparation Listen to the article to study the next 11 test 2 section 2. In terms of question type, this part is composed of 6 multiple choice questions and 4 map questions. The map question is a frequent visitor of section 2, which is basically taken once a month. Multiple choice questions are not fixed. Sometimes they may not be tested for a long time, but they may also appear continuously. From the perspective of the scene, this article introduces a theater, which is one of the most common contents of the IELTS listening section 2. As before, let's summarize the high-frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening.

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New staff at theatre

High frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening

Refurbishment. IELTS Listening Section 2 The words that are often examined when testing buildings usually appear in multiple-choice or matching questions, which are synonymous with decorate.

Purpose. In this question, it is replaced by use, and may also be replaced by because, since, as and other words.

Install installation. Most of them appear in the original listening text or question stem, mostly referring to the installation of certain facilities or programs.

Elevator. Occasionally it may appear as the answer to the blank filling question, so pay attention to the spelling. It may also be synonymous with lift.

Exterior. This word is a little unusual, as long as you know that it will be synonymous with outside.

Backstage background. When it comes to the vocabulary that may appear during the performance, you know that there is such an article from the old roast duck IELTS. Because it is a compound word, there is no difficulty in spelling.

Costume costumes. It is mainly used as the answer to the blank filling question or the choice of multiple choice questions, and sometimes it may be replaced by clothes and other words.

Puppet. There was once an answer in a computer book. Students who are determined to get high marks need to pay attention to their spelling.

Lighting. One of the words in the IELTS listening test section 1 and section 2 is not difficult, but some students may not dare to write after hearing it because they do not know it.

Box office ticket office. A word that almost inevitably appears when you get to the theatre, occasionally appears as the answer.

Budget. It may be replaced by money related content in multiple-choice questions. Common combinations are within budget and over budget.

Legroom. Words that often appear when talking about seats. It is generally said that the legs come from the old roast duck and the space of IELTS becomes larger, and then the number of seats becomes smaller.

Layout layout. It mainly appears at the beginning of the map question, and may also be used as the answer to the blank filling question in section 4.

Separate Independent. It is often associated with the entrance answer, such as separate access or separate entry.

Corridor. The words often used in indoor map questions are often used as the answers to the blank filling questions.

The difficulty of this section 2 is average, but the first six multiple choice questions focus on the problem of using time as the interference item. You can study it after you finish it.

The above is the main content of today's IELTS listening preparation. I hope it can be summarized IELTS Listening High frequency vocabulary can help everyone.

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Chapter Sword 11 test 2 section 1 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Chapter Sword 11 test 2 section 3 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

IELTS Test Preparation Listening Chapter Sword 11 test 2 section 4 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary

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IELTS Listening Preparation 11 test 2 section 2 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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