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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Can I take the IELTS oral test in other subjects without taking the IELTS oral test? Although the registration fee for IELTS is extremely expensive, it is still [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Can I take the IELTS oral test in other subjects without taking the IELTS oral test?

Although the registration fee for the IELTS test is extremely expensive, some students still miss the oral test for one reason or another. For example, remember wrong speaking time; For example, traffic jam on the road; For example, when I remembered to print the admission card, I found that the oral English was arranged the day before. Can I take another exam in other subjects after missing the oral exam? After all, it's not easy to come here. It's good to experience the atmosphere of the examination room.

The answer is: No. The IELTS official has clear regulations on this point. Once a candidate is absent from any exam, he or she will immediately lose the qualification to take other exams. Whether it is a paper transcript or an online score query, the score of all subjects will be displayed as 0.

In practice, you may encounter two situations. First, I arrived at the examination room even though I was late for the oral exam. At this time, the examiners will tell everyone in person that they will be refused admission if they participate in other subjects. Second, if you miss the oral exam directly, but still arrive at the exam room at the time of the written exam, or go to the exam with a fluke mentality, you will often be stuck in the verification of identity (that is, swipe your ID card and verify your fingerprint), and then be persuaded to return.

To sum up, the old roast duck editor reminds you to print the admission card in advance( How do I print the IELTS admission card? Detailed operation steps ), remember the exam time and arrive at the exam site at least half an hour in advance to prevent accidents.

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If you haven't taken the IELTS speaking test, can you take the test in other subjects Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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