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Analysis of the answer to the sample article of IELTS Oral Part 1: Cinemas cinema has always been a mainstream way of leisure. Whether with myself [...]

Spoken IELTS Part 1 Analysis of the answer to the model: Cinemas Cinema

Going to the cinema to watch movies has always been a mainstream leisure way. Whether with our friends, lovers, or parents, we can always choose films that are suitable for everyone's taste. But in recent years, with the development of network platforms, some people have begun to choose to watch movies at home. It is not only convenient and cheap, but also can avoid other people's interference. Therefore, when the IELTS Speaking Test comes to film related topics, it almost always asks whether you like to go to the cinema or watch movies at home.

Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid? Did you often go to the cinema when you were young?

Actually no. Most plots of the films screened in the cinemas were just too complex for a little kid. I could not derive any pleasure from them. Therefore, I would rather stay at home and watch some cartoons, such as Tom and Jerry, than go to the cinema and endure the boring two hours.

Not often. For children, the plot of most movies shown in cinemas is too complicated. I can hardly get any pleasure from it. Therefore, I would rather stay at home and watch some cartoons, such as Tom and Jerry, than go to the cinema and endure boring two hours.

Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends? Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?

I used to. Two years ago, before the outbreak of the coronavirus, I went to the cinema with my friends almost every weekend and would never miss any blockbuster. But since January 2020, watching films at such a crowded place has been a luxury. I had better stay at home to avoid being infected.

I went there once. Two years ago, before the outbreak of the epidemic, I went to the cinema with my friends almost every weekend and never missed any blockbusters. But since January 2020, watching movies in such a crowded place has become a luxury. I'd better stay at home to avoid infection.

Do you still enjoy watching the movies you loved as a child? Do you still like watching movies that you liked when you were young?

No, I do not think so. My taste for films has changed significantly since I grew up. For example, when I was a little child, Disney movies were my favorite and I could literally be moved to tears by the sufferings the princess or the prince had to go through. This article is from Laokaoya website. But now, their plots are too childish for me and the perpetual happy ending is kind of boring.

No, it's not. My taste for movies has changed dramatically since I grew up. For example, when I was a child, Disney movies were my favorite. I would really be moved to tears by the hardships experienced by the prince and princess. But now, their plots are too childish for me, and the eternal happiness solution is somewhat boring.

Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema? Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema?

If I have a choice, I would definitely pick the cinema, which is equipped with huge screens and excellent stereos, giving me an immersive experience. By contrast, although watching movies at home is more convenient and cheap, I cannot feel the charm of the film to 100% due to the limitation of the equipment.

If I had a choice, I would definitely choose a cinema equipped with a large screen and high-end audio. They give me an immersive experience. In contrast, although it is more convenient and cheaper to watch movies at home, I cannot feel the beauty of movies 100% due to the limitation of equipment.

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Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Cinemas Cinema: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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