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The full English name of Auburn University is Auburn University, abbreviated to AU or Auburn [...]

IELTS Score Requirements and Introduction of Auburn University

The full English name of Auburn University is Auburn University, or AU or Auburn for short. It is a public research institution of higher learning located in Auburn, Alabama, USA. AU was founded in 1856 and now has more than 30000 students at school. Among them, there are about 25000 students and 5000 graduate students. AU is one of the two public flagship universities in Alabama.

It is worth mentioning that Auburn University has its own civil airport. The school World University and Major Ranking Ranked 103rd in the U.S. ranking, and ranked 48th in the ranking of all U.S. public universities. Industrial design ranks sixth in the United States. In addition, Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, a famous technology company, and the founder of Wikipedia graduated from this school.

AU has twelve colleges, namely: Agricultural College, Architectural Design College, Engineering College, Business College, Education College, Forestry and Wildlife College, Humanity College, Arts College, Nursing College, Pharmaceutical College, Veterinary College, and Mathematics and Science College

What is the IELTS score required by Auburn University?

AU's recruiter requires students who are not native speakers of English to submit IELTS transcripts with a total score of no less than 6.5 when applying for the degree program of the university- What is IELTS 6.5

The following is the exchange of students about AU for everyone to participate:

My English ability is not good, even after IELTS, I am still afraid- The school has a course for English as a second language, which is basically taken by foreign students. When you write your graduation thesis, there will be a special teacher to review the thesis. She will help you to modify grammar, sentence patterns and so on. Don't worry about that. The premise is to write out the sentence pattern you want to express. It's really no good. Google Machine Translation will also be helpful. After all, she has revised thousands of graduation theses.

Dealing with American students and professors is a necessary step to hone your speaking ability and understand the American society, which is very helpful for your future internship and job interview. The professor likes students' questions very much both in class and after class, which will let the professor remember you, and then gradually learn more about you.

Have you ever been to an international freshman? Can you elaborate on the course arrangement and the connection with normal sophomore? Are there any such courses as physics, mathematics, chemistry and mechanics? Thank you. – I didn't take the international freshman course, but I went directly to the second grade course, because I had a domestic undergraduate diploma and a design background, and I studied a major equivalent to the second degree in China. But the content of the class was the same as that of the sophomore students, so I competed with all the young people and aunts from the starting line. Be considered as a shift student. I didn't take any science courses during this period. It depends on your major. I am an industrial design major. In addition to design and theory, I still design and redesign, modify and revise.

 Auburn University Campus

See more universities: IELTS score requirements

The above is an introduction to the IELTS score requirements of Auburn University in the United States, hoping to play a reference role for students who intend to apply for Auburn University. For more information about IELTS exam preparation guidance, exam answers, etc., please visit the listening, speaking, reading and writing section of the official website of Old Roast Duck at any time for in-depth self-help learning. You are also welcome to follow the WeChat official account of Old Roast Duck (WeChat search laokaoya) for first-hand data and information. Finally, I wish you all a smooth preparation for the exam, and get the ideal IELTS scores and offers as soon as possible!

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Auburn University IELTS score requirements and introduction: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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