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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: What are the categories of IELTS A? There are more and more categories of IELTS, and there are several kinds of A-type tests alone. Then, the old roast duck will be [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: What are the categories of IELTS A?

There are more and more categories of IELTS, and there are several kinds of A-type tests alone. Then, Old Roast Duck will give a unified explanation for this problem.

Answer: From the perspective of exam categories, there are two types of A-type IELTS (Academic Academic IELTS): one is the ordinary type of A-type IELTS, and the other is the A-type IELTS for UKVI. From the perspective of examination form, there are also Class A computer test and Class A paper and pencil test.

However, all of these categories or forms of examinations are Type A examinations. That is to say, no matter what type of A-type IELTS exam you take, you will be exposed to the same exam content.

Here, the old roast duck should remind students to know whether they need to take the Puya or UKVI test in advance to avoid the trouble of applying for colleges in the future. There is no difference between the computer test and the paper and pencil test Which is better, the IELTS computer test or the written test It also depends on the students' personal preferences. Here, the old roast duck will not be described in detail,

Questions and answers:

What is the difference between IELTS Class A and Class G

The above is a detailed answer to "What are the categories of IELTS A?", hoping to help more students with such doubts. For more information about IELTS test preparation and guidance, please visit the Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing section of the official website of Old Roast Duck at any time for independent in-depth study. At the same time, we also welcome you to follow the old roast duck official account (WeChat search laokaoya) to obtain the latest exclusive test preparation resources and information. Finally, I wish you all success in preparing for the IELTS test and achieve ideal results as soon as possible!

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