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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Will you deduct points if you are late for speaking IELTS? Some students have already exceeded the exam preparation by the time they arrive at the examination room because they have slept or are stuck in traffic [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Will you deduct points if you are late for speaking IELTS?

Some students have already exceeded the time required on the admission card (15 minutes in advance) or even exceeded the time required for the oral exam when they arrived at the examination hall because they had slept or were stuck in traffic. He was taken into the room with the examiner solo before he could breathe well. So will the late arrival of IELTS oral English lead to the deduction of points?

A: No. On the one hand, the oral examiners will only give scores according to the language ability shown by everyone in the exam. When you arrived is not in their consideration, see IELTS Oral Scoring Standard They may even think that your delay is a problem of on-site examination arrangement. On the other hand, the IELTS speaking test is arranged so that there is plenty left between two adjacent sessions in case of accidents, so they are actually used to waiting.

However, to say the least, although the lateness of IELTS speaking will not lead to the deduction of points. However, if you are late for a long time, you may not be able to enter the examination room and be stopped by the examination staff directly. And the IELTS exam has a very magical rule, as long as one is absent, you cannot take other exams. Considering that the oral English test is usually taken in advance, missing the oral English test means that the paper and pencil tests can not be taken later. Therefore, Xiaobian suggested that everyone set an alarm clock and calculate the distance. If you are far away, you might as well stay near the examination room for one night to avoid the embarrassment of being late.

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Will you deduct points if you are late for speaking IELTS?: Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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