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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is there any make-up IELTS exam? "Teacher, I forgot about the exam this time. I came to my senses that the exam was coming tomorrow, but I was away [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is there any make-up IELTS exam?

"Teacher, I forgot about the test this time. I came back to my senses that the test was coming tomorrow, but I was out of town and couldn't come back. Is there any possibility of making up for the IELTS test?"

answer: No, Generally, there is no make-up test for the IELTS test. In very few cases, the make-up examination may exist (but it is not called "make-up examination"). For example, during the epidemic, because of the control of the epidemic, the current exam needs to be suspended. Then, the organizer of the IELTS exam will cancel the exam and refund the exam registration fee to the examinees to re apply for the exam.

If you can't take the exam you signed up for for various reasons, you can consider canceling or transferring. However, there is a time limit for transfer( How long ago can I transfer to IELTS )We need to make preparations in advance. If you exceed the deadline, you cannot transfer or withdraw from the exam. There are only two ways: a To take an exam. b. Give up the exam and pay for the next exam.

The above information is applicable to IELTS candidates from all countries and regions in the world.

In a word, the advice of Old Roast Duck is to plan your own exam plan. If you are unable to attend, you should also do a good job of emergency treatment in advance.

The above is a detailed answer to "Is there any make-up test for IELTS?", hoping to help more students with such doubts. For more information about IELTS test preparation and guidance, please visit the Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing section of the official website of Old Roast Duck at any time for independent in-depth study. At the same time, we also welcome you to follow the old roast duck official account (WeChat search laokaoya) to obtain the latest exclusive test preparation resources and information. Finally, I wish you all success in preparing for the IELTS test and achieve ideal results as soon as possible!

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