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Cambridge IELTS 15Test2Part3 High Frequency Vocabulary of Listening Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

The third part of the second set of topics of IELTS 15 listening is about two people planning an exhibition on the opening day of the university. They first identified the target group of the exhibition, and then decided to use Dickens' basic novels as the background to show the living conditions and social problems faced by the British people at that time from different angles.

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Cambridge IELTS 15Test2Part3 Analysis of Listening Answers Charles Dickens

High frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening

profile n. Image

Example: Jack runs a department with a high public profile Jack is in charge of a department that is in the public eye.

lecturer n. Lecturer

Example: He's a lecturer In French at Oxford.

awful Bad

Example: That fridge smarts awful That refrigerator smells awful.

poverty n. Poverty

Example: Many elderly people live in poverty Many old people live in poverty.

illustrate v. Explanation

Example: Over a hundred diagrams, tables and pictures illustrate The book has more than one hundred diagrams, tables and pictures.

amusement n. Entertainment

Example: What do you do for amusement in this town? What recreation do you have in town?

guardian n. Guardian

Example: The policy are guardians The police are guardians of law and order.

inherit v. Inheritance

Example: The present government inherited A Closed, state dominated economy. The current government has taken over a closed, government led economic system.

fortune n. Wealth

Example: The rich alumnus ended the college with half of his fortune The rich alumnus donated half of his property to the university

reputation n. Reputation

Example: She soon acquired a reputation As a first class cook. She soon gained the reputation of a top chef.

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Charles Dickens: Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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