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Describe an interesting talk or speech you he [...]

Topic Card of IELTS Speaking Season: Describe an interesting talk or speech you heard recently

Ideas (Chinese ideas are only for reference), express P2 views according to effective ideas and integration of personal experience.

This question is an old one that has been tested for 15 years, which is a renovation of the old one. Many roast duck students can't figure out what kind of conversation is called INTERESTING? In fact, it's reasonable. It doesn't take several days to find out all the knowledge and experience that you have lived for more than 10 years, 20 years and 30 years. What the examiner needs to assess is how you express your thoughts clearly. In other words, you think INTERESTING is OK.

You should say:

When and where you heard it/Who gave the talk or speech

A recent speech was given by Jack Ma at Lakeside University. After he established his own huge business empire, he had his own mission of social responsibility, so he established such a "university" to help Chinese CEOs become better CEOs.

What the talk or speech was about

Jack said a lot about the development period of Chinese enterprises. The most impressive thing for me was that he hoped that 200 CEOs of the top 500 enterprises in China would come from Ali. This sentence made me feel that Jack has a strong belief in doing things for himself.

And explain why you think it was interesting

In fact, most of the content of Ma Yun's speech at Lakeside University was mentioned by him on important occasions all over the country. But I didn't listen to him once. I felt that my whole body was full of positive energy. The interesting point of his speech was not how humorous the content was, but the perspective, depth and breadth of his speech.

Of course, brother's question must be taken "must see" Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger Talk about you and strangers

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Describe an interesting talk or speech you heard recently!


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