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The vocabulary of IELTS reading authentic question Cambridge IELTS 14 Test 3 Passage 1 Concept of intelligence Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading the third set of questions Chapter 1 [...]

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Test 3 Passage 1 Concept of Intelligence

The first article is about the concept of intelligence. It begins with people's different cognition of intelligence, leads to implicit theory, and introduces the core viewpoints of three different implicit theories. According to the convention, we summarize the vocabulary of IELTS reading test.

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The concept of intelligence

The concept of intelligence

IELTS Reading Test Vocabulary

framework n. Frame

Example: We have to act within the existing legal framework We must act within the existing legal framework.

accomplishment n. Talent, achievement

Example: Playing the piano is one of her many accomplishments Playing the piano is one of her many talents.

underlie v. To become the basis of; Under

Example: These ideas underlie Most of his works are based on these themes.

concept n. Concept

He can't grab the basic concepts He was unable to grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.

cognitive Cognitive

As children grow older, their cognitive Processes become sharper. As children grow older, their cognitive processes become more acute.

ultimately Adv. Finally, finally

example sentence: Ultimately , you'll have to make the decision yourself.

explicit Adj. Explicit and clear

The film contains some very explicit Love scenes. There are some very explicit sex scenes in this film.

scope n. Range

There's still sentence of scope There is still much room for improvement.

suspect v. Suspicion

Example: I want to suspect His motives in inviting me.

supplementation n. Supplement

Example: The product provided in equal vitamin and mineral supplementation This product does not adequately supplement vitamins and minerals.

expansion n. Expansion

Example: The novel is an expansion Of a short story he wrote about forty years ago.

chaos n. Chaos

Example: The country was plugged into economic chaos The country is in economic turmoil.

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The concept of intelligence: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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