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IELTS score requirements and introduction of Victoria University in Australia The English name of Victoria University in Australia is also Victoria University [...]

IELTS Score Requirements and Introduction of Victoria University, Australia

The English name of Victoria University in Australia is also Victoria University, which is abbreviated as VU or Vic University. It is a public research institution of higher learning located in Melbourne, Australia. VU was founded in 1916 as a craft learning institute, later upgraded to Victoria Institute of Technology and merged the two institutes into a university, and finally changed its name to Victoria University in 2005. At present, the school has a total of about 45000 students. Among them, there are about 40000 undergraduates and 3000 postgraduates.

The school's business school ranked 17th in Australia in the 2009 World University Network Ranking in Spain. The school also has many international cooperation projects. Moreover, the university has cooperative relations with the Central University of Finance and Economics, Liaoning University, Henan University, Sichuan University, Shandong Jianzhu University and other universities in China.

What is the required IELTS score of Victoria University in Australia?

The school of VU requires international students who are not native speakers of English to submit a total score of 5.5 IELTS points when applying for VU. At the same time, the four individual scores of listening, speaking, reading and writing in IELTS should not be less than 5.0- View: What is IELTS 5.5

 Campus and IELTS requirements of Victoria University in Australia

The following is the exchange of students on Victoria University for your reference:

Can Victoria's BA apply for professional certification- The BA in Victoria is not allowed. The BA in ACS certification course is Deakin University~~

Compared with the Eight Universities in Australia, the threshold of admission for VU is relatively low. As a springboard for applying to other schools in the future, it is good.

Can I go to VU to study erp after finishing my master's degree at the Eighth National Congress? Don't they all have master's degrees? How to operate- It mainly depends on whether the VU is accepted or not. If the VU is accepted, GTE will write it well.

See more colleges: IELTS score requirements

The above is an introduction to the IELTS score requirements of Victoria University in Australia, hoping to play a reference role for students who intend to apply for Victoria University in Australia. For more information about IELTS exam preparation guidance, exam answers, etc., please visit the listening, speaking, reading and writing section of the official website of Old Roast Duck at any time for in-depth self-help learning. You are also welcome to follow the WeChat official account of Old Roast Duck (WeChat search laokaoya) for first-hand data and information. Finally, I wish you all good luck in preparing for the exam and getting the ideal IELTS scores and offers as soon as possible!

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