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The first set of questions for IELTS 14 reading [...]

The importance of children's play

The first article of the first set of topics of the first set of reading of Cambridge IELTS 14 focuses on the importance of children's play, which is very similar to the Cambridge IELTS 4 Test2 Passage3. But this article is much friendlier in terms of both the writing and the difficulty of the topic. The paragraphs are short, the structure is clear, and the narrative clues are clear. According to the convention, we summarize the high-frequency vocabulary of IELTS reading.

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The Importance of Children's Play

The Importance of Children's Play

IELTS Reading Test Vocabulary

curtail v. Reduction

Example: Spending on books has been successively curtailed The cost of buying books has been greatly cut.

victim n. Victim

Example: The victim Received head injuries from which she died a week later.

disorder n. Disorder

His financial affairs were in complete disorder His financial affairs are totally muddled.

enchanting Magic

The overall effect is enchanting The overall effect is pleasing to the eye.

emotion n. Emotions

Example: He lost control of his emotions He lost control of his emotions.

achievement n. Achievements

Example: His great achievement Is to make all the players into a united team.

species n. Species

Example: Seven species Of birds of prey have been observed.

intellectual Adj. Intelligence

Example: High levels of lead could damage the intellectual Development of children. Excessive lead content will damage children's intellectual development.

scarce Adj. Scarce

Example: Food was often scarce In the winter.

perception n. Perception

Example: Ross shows unused perception For a boy of his age.

spontaneous Adj. Spontaneous

Example: The crowd give a spontaneous Cheer. The crowd cheered spontaneously.

intervene v. Interference

Example: The army will have to intervene To prevent further fighting.

reasoning n. Analysis

Example: She was not really conceived by this line of reasoning Such analysis and argument did not convince her in fact.

diagnosis n. Diagnostics

Example: An accurate diagnosis Was made after a series of tests.

stimulus n. Irritation

Example: Tax cuts provided the stimulus Which the slow economy needed.

trivial Adj. insignificant

Example: I know it sounds trivial , but I'm worried about it.

IELTS Reading Words Cambridge IELTS 14 Test 1 Passage 2 Shared Bike

Cambridge IELTS 14 Test 1 Passage 3 Motivation factors and hotel industry

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The importance of children's play: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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