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In December 2021, the time arrangement of the IELTS test in Guiyang was reported by the front line of IELTS for Roast Duck. The examination arrangement of Guizhou in December this year has been officially determined by IELTS [...]

Schedule of IELTS Test in Guiyang in December 2021

The front line of IELTS for Roast Duck reported that the examination arrangement for Guizhou in December this year has been officially determined by IELTS. In this column, Old Roast Duck will give you a detailed introduction to the IELTS exam arrangement in Guiyang in December, 21.

Compared with last month, we will have more exam opportunities in December. In this Christmas month, the authorities still provided three large IELTS tests in the paper and pencil categories for everyone. These three examinations include three academic examinations and two training examinations.

The specific examination schedule is as follows:

December 4, 2021 (Saturday) Class A+Class G

December 11, 2021 (Saturday) Class A

December 18, 2021 (Saturday) Class A+Class G

There is Christmas at the end of the month, so most cities in China have no exam arrangements. Please do a good job of applying for the exam in advance for candidates who need the exam.

Relevant examination sites: IELTS Test Center of Guizhou University

Note: The oral questions in December are from September to December. Therefore, we should seize the opportunity of the last stable month of this year.

View current season: IELTS Speaking Question Bank

see: Schedule of IELTS Test in Guizhou Province

The above is the report on "the timing of the IELTS test in Guiyang in December 2021". More IELTS test preparation content can also be learned at any time by visiting various sections of the official website of Old Roast Duck or by following the WeChat official account (WeChat search "Old Roast Duck") for exclusive first-hand test preparation materials and information. Finally, I wish you all the best in preparing for the IELTS test and getting ideal scores as soon as possible.

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
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Schedule of IELTS test in Guiyang in December 2021: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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