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IELTS score requirements and introduction of the University of New Mexico

IELTS Score Requirements and Introduction of University of New Mexico

The full English name of the University of New Mexico is The University of New Mexico, abbreviated as UM. It is a public research institution of higher learning located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is also the largest university in the state. Founded in 1889, UM now has more than 25000 students at school. Among them, there are about 19000 undergraduates and 6000 postgraduates.

Well known alumni from the school:

Founder of MATLAB: Cliff Moller

Lang Ping, a famous Chinese female volleyball player and coach

What is the IELTS score required by the University of New Mexico?

The UM school requires international students who are not native speakers of English to achieve an IELTS score of 6.0 when applying for UM- What is the IELTS 6 score

The following is the exchange of UM among students for your reference:

The faculty of the school is good, and Germain, the physicist Nobel Prize winner, teaches in the school. The school also has five original colleges of science and engineering.

It's said that water can't be drunk over there. Buy a water purifier directly? Or drinking mineral water? This expenditure should be quite large- Tap water in most areas of the United States will have a high content of heavy metals (hundreds of years of industrial pollution). Americans often go to supermarkets to buy bottled water for drinking. Of course, you can also use faucet mount to filter tap water, which can basically remove lead, mercury and other heavy metals in the water, as well as pesticide residues. If you are not so particular, it is also OK to boil the tap water for drinking.

The school is a world leader in Latin American research, electronic engineering, anthropology, photography, biology, optics, environmental ecology and medicine.

 Campus and IELTS requirements of the University of New Mexico

See more colleges: IELTS score requirements

The above is an introduction to the IELTS score requirements of the University of New Mexico in the United States, hoping to play a reference role for students who intend to apply for The University of New Mexico. For more information about IELTS exam preparation guidance, exam answers, etc., please visit the listening, speaking, reading and writing section of the official website of Old Roast Duck at any time for in-depth self-help learning. You are also welcome to follow the WeChat official account of Old Roast Duck (WeChat search laokaoya) for first-hand data and information. Finally, I wish you all a smooth preparation for the exam, and get the ideal IELTS scores and offers as soon as possible!

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University of New Mexico IELTS score requirements and introduction: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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